Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Johari Window

I must admit, I had never heard of a Johari window until I was reading SusiePie’s post here. It seems a fairly interesting concept. I thought it might make an interesting entry for my blog, since most of the people who read my blog actually do know me in real life. Pretty well, actually. Which, on the other hand, is sorta scary, so maybe this wasn’t such a great idea! 🙂 Oh well. Here we go:

Wikipedia defines a Johari Window as “a metaphorical tool intended to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. It is used primarily in self-help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic exercise.”

Here’s what I need all of my faithful blog readers to do – go to this website and pick 5 or 6 words that you think describe me. {Shudder} Thanks!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Stacy, I Played !

  2. Amanda Said,

    Stacy, I played on Friday.

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