Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Another Friday Five Meme

This one is from this LiveJournal site. Great autumn questions, so I couldn’t resist!

Don’t Fall For It

1. What do you like or dislike about autumn? I love fall! I love when the weather starts to cool off. Love the brisk, clean, cool air, and I love opening the windows to get that fresh cool air in our house. Love the leaves changing. Love it getting dark earlier, lighting my candles, cooking more soups, stews and chili, and baking more. I love this time of year (winter too though, since our winter is like most people’s autumns!)

2. Have you raked leaves into a pile just to jump in them? We don’t have enough leaves to make a pile big enough to jump in! But I wish we did, I would play in them and jump in them for sure! 🙂

3. Have you ever carved a pumpkin and how did it turn out? I carved some when I was a teenager, and Tim and I have carved them a sum total of ONE time in the decade we’ve been together. I love to carve them though, and beg every year, but we never do. I have only ever carved a very plain one though, jagged smile and triangles for the eyes and nose. Never anything artistic or elaborate in any way. 🙄

4. Have you ever eaten anything made from pumpkins other than pie? Yes, lately I’ve branched out and I’m trying to make more seasonal things. We’ve had pumpkin bars and pumpkin bread and from what I remember, it was all good!

5. Where is a good spot to see the leaves change color where you live? Several hours north of here! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast Sixty-Seven
Friday, October 21, 2005

Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
You know, I have no earthly idea. I rarely wear shirts that button. But, I imagine, I go from top to bottom. I’m OCD that way. 😀

What is your favorite sandwich?
I’m not much of a sandwich person (comes from 12 years of carrying them to school every day for lunch). I like turkey sandwiches and wraps, hot ham and cheese, things like that.

What was a family project you helped work on as a child?
I doubt we ever had any family projects. I certainly don’t remember any.

Main Course
When have you acted phony?
Well, I plead the fifth on this one. I know, but I’m not telling. 😆

Do you write letters or postcards? If so, to whom?
Rarely any more. Sometimes we send postcards when we go on vacation, but this last trip, I blogged every day, so we decided to forgo the postcards. Everyone knew where we were and what we were doing a lot faster with the daily blogging! 😀

Posted by Stace

Meme to Come

Friday is a good day for memes and I have found one or two that I want to do. But, right now, I just don’t have any time to sit down and write out my answers! Maybe later today, or tomorrow morning. I have a long list of things to do, and errands to run all afternoon. Then, Suzanne flies in tomorrow morning, so we’re very exited!

Check back later, maybe there will be something mildly interesting here! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Butterflies are Free::

Onesome: Butterflies– ‘Tis the end of butterfly season, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere (hey, we have readers and respondents in the Southern); what are looking forward to seeing around the yards and neighborhoods in the next few months. (…besides snow, unless that’s all you have staring back at you during the Winter months!) Well, I haven’t seen a lot of butterflies since our rudbeckia stopped blooming and we cut them back. We don’t see much around here in the way of color in the fall, or any snow in the winter. Fall and winter around here just means everything is brown and dead. Not beautiful, but I’m used to it! 🙂

Twosome: are– Are your sports teams doing okay this Fall? Baseball is down to the final stretch and it’s time to chose up sides! …and football is darned interesting at the six-week mark? No interest? How about curling ? Sigh, our football teams are not doing great. USM is doing ok, but Tim’s beloved Saints are another story. USM is not as good as we had hoped, they have had a rough game or two, but they are doing good overall and we’re looking forward to watching them on TV tomorrow night. We will watch the Saints every week, but they disappoint us a lot. We don’t really get into baseball, but we’re glad for the Astros because of Trent and Shanna. Sorry, curling is not in our vocabulary! 🙄

Free– What is your favorite “freebie”? That ‘buy one, get one free’ sale? …the ice cream cone from your local shop on your birthday? The samples at Starbucks? Inquiring minds and all that… Gosh, I love any freebie! I love sales, I love coupons, I love samples, I love signing up for programs for coupons, points, saving us money, any and all of that. Can’t go wrong with any of this stuff in my mind! I signed up for the Sonic Cruisers club and get coupons every month. This month, for my birthday month, they sent me a coupon for a free creamslush, which I have yet to use… need to do that soon! I signed up for Club Olay online and get free samples in the mail of Olay products. Signed up for myPoints online and I get $10 gift cards every couple of months to spend. I love all of this stuff!!

Posted by Stace


I’m happy today, more so than normal, because Tim is working from home. YEAH! I love it when he works from home, I just love being around him all day.

It’s gonna be a great day! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Birthday Photos

Tim was very diligent and patient with me yesterday, and took a bunch of pictures of me on my birthday. I usually have to remind him, but he was great this year and offered before I ever had to bug him about it. I am going to load them into the Photos section of Hambones (and I also have some from Shanna from their recent Disney trip to do, thanks Shanna!!!), but I haven’t gotten to that yet. Soon, I hope, very soon!

In the mean time, here’s a couple of me on my birthday… these are some of the better ones. Be wary of checking out the rest on Hambones later on… I am NOT very photogenic. 😥 As my mom always said “ooh, that’s a bad picture of you Stacy, don’t show that one to anybody!” She hated her picture taken too, and I think it rubbed off on me!

Click the -More- link if you want to see a few from yesterday. 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

The times, they are a changing

I think most everyone knows that I love photos, love taking pictures, try to scrapbook them sometimes, etc. I have a picture in a frame above my computer monitor from 1995, when Tim and I were dating, that was taken on my birthday. Tim was a good sport and played along yesterday on my birthday, to take another one, 10 years later.

The times, they are a changing…. I think I look quite a bit older and at least 20 pounds heavier! Oh well, all true! :mrgreen:

Picture in the -More- section….

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Birthday Update

I had a really good birthday yesterday. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes, emails and calls. All are very much appreciated! 🙂

If you want to read a more detailed account of my day, click the -More- link and read on!

Read the rest of this entry »


Your Birthdate: October 18

Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.
There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.
You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator.

You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.
Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed.
There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others.
Oddly enough, you don’t expect as much in return as you give.

Well, the “very much the organizer and administrator” part is totally true, not sure about the rest of it! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Shanna’s 5 Things Quiz

I was tagged by Shanna for this 5 things quiz… not going to tag anyone else, but any and all are welcome to play… just cut and paste and put in your own blog, if you’d like 🙂

5 Things I plan to do before I die:

1. Go to England and Scotland with Tim
2. Visit all 50 states (with Tim)
3. Eat dim sum in Chinatown in SF
4. Learn to ride a horse
5. Go whale-watching

5 Things I can do:

1. Organize/Plan/Make lists
2. Remember song lyrics from most songs
3. Bake a good chocolate cake
4. Give a good massage
5. Get things to grow

5 Things I cannot do:

1. Swim well
2. Watch scary or gory stuff on TV/movies
3. Donate blood
4. Sleep in a room with lots of light or noise
5. Decorate or put color combinations together

5 Things that attract me to members of the opposite sex:

1. Great Eyes
2. Integrity
3. Sense of Humor
4. Thick hair
5. Broad shoulders

5 Things I say most often:

1. I love you (to Tim, every day)
2. Dookey
3. Whatever
4. I’m sorry
5. Do you want to go eat Chinese?

5 Celebrity Crushes:

1. Orlando Bloom
2. Clive Owen
3. Matthew McConaughey
4. Tim McGraw
5. Viggo Mortensen (but only as Aragorn)

Posted by Stace

A year ago today…

A year ago today we were up in the mountains on a wonderful vacation. We went to Gatlinburg, did a lot of hiking and exploring and even a little shopping. 🙂 Fond memories….

Here we are a year ago today!

Tim and Stacy hiking in Gatlinburg 10/17/2004

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

I thought we’d do a little ‘this or that’ this week! Enjoy!

Which one?
1. Lemonade or Iced Tea? both!
2. DVD or VHS? DVD
3. Gold or Silver? silver
4. Baseball or Tennis? tennis
5. Spring or Autumn? Autumn
6. Diet or Regular? I drink Diet, but I’d rather have regular, but can’t afford the calories!!
7. Hearts or Stars? hearts
8. Snail Mail or Email? email
9. Shop: Online or In-Store? both!
10. Credit Card or Check? credit card

Posted by Stace

Shanna is Famous!

Kudos to Shanna for being spotlighted at Blog Carnival about her recent post on comedy shows to watch on TV. Blog Carnival finds great blog posts about different topics (this one is in their On Television section) and highlights them for all of their users to read. Hooray for Shanna for being singled out from the THOUSANDS or maybe MILLIONS of blog entries out in the blogosphere!

You can read it here, or of course, at Shanna’s blog here at Hambones. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

On the verge:: just about
Tempestuous:: stormy
Coherent:: clear
Near death:: almost dead (huh??!)
Illiterate:: can’t read
Why not?:: Why?
Period:: final. That’s it.
Long lost:: love
Torrid:: love affair
Nail:: polish

Posted by Stace

Do you see Pumpkins?

Do you see pumpkins? This is a blog design I worked on last week for Gail, then I decided to swipe it for myself when she wanted to use a picture she took in the mountains last fall. Hope it’s working right now! 🙂

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