I was tagged by Shanna for this 5 things quiz… not going to tag anyone else, but any and all are welcome to play… just cut and paste and put in your own blog, if you’d like 🙂
5 Things I plan to do before I die:
1. Go to England and Scotland with Tim
2. Visit all 50 states (with Tim)
3. Eat dim sum in Chinatown in SF
4. Learn to ride a horse
5. Go whale-watching
5 Things I can do:
1. Organize/Plan/Make lists
2. Remember song lyrics from most songs
3. Bake a good chocolate cake
4. Give a good massage
5. Get things to grow
5 Things I cannot do:
1. Swim well
2. Watch scary or gory stuff on TV/movies
3. Donate blood
4. Sleep in a room with lots of light or noise
5. Decorate or put color combinations together
5 Things that attract me to members of the opposite sex:
1. Great Eyes
2. Integrity
3. Sense of Humor
4. Thick hair
5. Broad shoulders
5 Things I say most often:
1. I love you (to Tim, every day)
2. Dookey
3. Whatever
4. I’m sorry
5. Do you want to go eat Chinese?
5 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Orlando Bloom
2. Clive Owen
3. Matthew McConaughey
4. Tim McGraw
5. Viggo Mortensen (but only as Aragorn)
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