This one is from this LiveJournal site. Great autumn questions, so I couldn’t resist!
Don’t Fall For It
1. What do you like or dislike about autumn? I love fall! I love when the weather starts to cool off. Love the brisk, clean, cool air, and I love opening the windows to get that fresh cool air in our house. Love the leaves changing. Love it getting dark earlier, lighting my candles, cooking more soups, stews and chili, and baking more. I love this time of year (winter too though, since our winter is like most people’s autumns!)
2. Have you raked leaves into a pile just to jump in them? We don’t have enough leaves to make a pile big enough to jump in! But I wish we did, I would play in them and jump in them for sure!
3. Have you ever carved a pumpkin and how did it turn out? I carved some when I was a teenager, and Tim and I have carved them a sum total of ONE time in the decade we’ve been together. I love to carve them though, and beg every year, but we never do. I have only ever carved a very plain one though, jagged smile and triangles for the eyes and nose. Never anything artistic or elaborate in any way.
4. Have you ever eaten anything made from pumpkins other than pie? Yes, lately I’ve branched out and I’m trying to make more seasonal things. We’ve had pumpkin bars and pumpkin bread and from what I remember, it was all good!
5. Where is a good spot to see the leaves change color where you live? Several hours north of here!