Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I haven’t been blogging for the last week or so. I’d like to convince you it’s because I’m so busy watching the Olympics (which we are, sort of!), but mostly it’s because I haven’t been able to think of a whole lot to blog about. It definitely comes and goes, ideas for blog posts 🙂

So, have you been watching the Olympics? If so, which sport or athlete has been your favorite?

We’ve really been enjoying the speed skating, a lot of the skiing, and the snowboarding (love the snowboard cross).

  1. Deanna Said,

    I am ADDICTED to the Olympics. It doesn’t matter the event. I have even been watching the curling. I told you I was addicted.

    Did you watch the Canadian figure skater last night who just lost her Mom last week? Sobbed like a baby.

    Oh my goodness. I am in awe of these athletes.

  2. Whitney Said,

    I love the figure skating. But I also watch a lot of snowboarding and skiing, especially now (as compared to years past before I lived in skiing country). I like Apolo Ohno, too.

  3. mamichelle Said,

    I haven’t been watching but I get daily reports from my mom who is addicted! 😉 I feel so bad for the Canadian skater who lost her mom. I can’t imagine how you could go on and perform. So incredibly sad.

  4. Tracie Said,

    I love the Olympics, I usually watch a lot of figure skating, but for some reason this year I keep missing it. My husband is newly obsessed with Curling (I’m still not convinced it is a sport) and I have discovered the Biathlon.

  5. Karen Said,

    I love the figure skating, the downhill racing and the speed skating. I haven’t been watching them every night. My son watches curling — I still don’t get it.

  6. Lauren@Baseballsandbows Said,

    It’s funny at my house. My son likes everything except figure skating. My daughter only cares about figure skating. I do like the Olympics, but the summer Olympics are my favorite. I guess we only have two years to wait for that!

  7. Desert Songbird Said,

    During the Winter Olympics, I’ll watch just about anything! I like to put on the broadcast and just let it play. Sports that I don’t follow any other time of year fascinate me in the Olympics. I always get a letdown when the Games are over.

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