Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Just Sayin’

Have you ever heard that phrase about “don’t go to the grocery store hungry” ??

I can vouch for that, first hand. Today, I went around lunch time and I wasn’t hungry when I left to run errands. By the time I got to the grocery and all that food, I was ravenous. I wanted to eat everything I laid my eyes on!

I rarely splurge and get things that aren’t on my list. And I tend to not buy junk food and have it in the house, because I will EAT IT.

Today, I came home with two boxes of cookies. Ay-yi-yi!

Let the sugar coma commence!

Posted by Stace

Missing Out

I’m starting to feel like I’m missing out. The girls in our neighborhood that used to come around and sell Girl Scout cookies have all grown up, so we have no more doorbell rings to look forward to. Usually, I find a troop setup at a local grocery store with a table of cookies for sale, but this year I have not happened upon any. I’m starting to feel left out. Not that I need the calories, but sometimes, you just want a Girl Scout cookie, you know what I mean?

How about you? Do you buy Girl Scout cookies? If so, do you eat them right away, put them in the freezer? Or do you have Girl Scouts in your house and you dread the thought of all of those cookies, this time every year?! 🙂