Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

This N That

  • I’ve already posted my photo for today over on my Project365 blog; check it out!
  • Yesterday’s post titled “In Sickness and In Health” was one I had been thinking about for a while. I didn’t want to come off sounding like a complaining or bad spouse. I’ve gotten a lot of great comments and feedback. The most notable from Tim. He calls it the “husband-bashing” post 🙄 He was not very happy about me posting about that and making him look bad. That was never my intention and I hereby do formally apologize to him for that. I love you sweetheart!
  • Last night, we had Date Night. Tim offered to take me to our favorite Chinese place and let me eat to my heart’s content. Hard to turn that down! When we got home, we watched a movie we had rented – “Invincible”. We both really enjoyed it and thought it was a good movie. Of course, we love football so we loved every minute of it!
  • Tim has gone hunting, and Beau and I are hanging out at home today.
  • I’m about half way through entering recipes from the “Eating Well Serves Two” cookbook that I have to return to the library in a couple of days. (I had previously blogged about it here). After I’ve finished, I’ll try to post a listing of the recipes I copied out, and if anyone would like to see them, I would be glad to email them to you.
  • I made a new soup this week, a Sausage and Potato Chowder and we both liked it. I made quite a few changes, so be sure to read all of my notes at the bottom.
  • I hope to do some reading today, while watching some of the NFL playoff games. I am nearly finished with a book, so I might be back later with a book review.
  • We’ve had a rash of breaking things around here. A few days ago, I knocked over a glass hurricane lamp in the den that had some decorative things in it. It shattered and broke and had to be thrown away. This morning, Tim was out in our front yard swinging his golf club and hit my sun-catcher that is hanging from one of the trees, and he broke it. Sigh. I hate breaking things I really like!
  • We had bad news this week from our insurance provider. Seems they don’t want to cover a lot of my costs of tests and things from my yearly doctor visit a couple of months ago. And, here’s the worst part – we both go to the dentist twice a year, in June or July and then again in December. I called to schedule my dentist appointment in December before the Christmas holiday. I took the first appointment they could give me, but apparently it was less than six months since my last appointment. I had understood that our dental insurance covers two check-ups and cleanings a year. Apparently not. They have to be every six months (to the day) or greater. Mine was two weeks shy of six months from the date of my last visit. Despite repeated calls to the insurance folks, they refuse to cover it. Now, we have to pay the entire bill. Bummer, what with Christmas to pay for and our new washer and dryer to pay for too. Sigh.
  • A little over a week until the premiere of 24 and then American Idol on Fox. We can’t wait for 24, we call it the “Jack Bauer Power Hour” around here! Plus, it will be even better this year because now we get Fox in HD on our cable system. Oughta look awesome on our new HD TV!
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    1. Southern Girl Said,

      Eeeee! I can’t wait for “24” either! I’m just very anxious about whether or not my other pretend boyfriend Secret Service Agent Aaron will be back. He’s such a cutie pie! 😉

    2. shellsq Said,

      Let’s see if I can remember everything. 1) I do have one Rachel Ray point (just email or pm on sba with your addy if you still need it), 2) I broke one of my favorite Snow Babies putting it away!! It’s the one with the melting snowman. I was heartbroken! 3) I had similar issues with the insurance co. especially on dental.

      Have a great weekend, Stacy

      Almost forgot – GREAT photos!!!

    3. Dianne Said,

      Know what you mean about the insurance stuff. I couldn’t get a crown I needed badly last year because my root canal took up most of the funds, plus the usual cleaning etc. wiped out my benefits. I had to wait until Jan. 3! Or pay $600 out of pocket 🙁

      Thanks for the reminder of playoff games today. We’re a bit bored here for some reason. Spent the entire day taking down decorations. Him outside, me inside. I got a lot done but now I’m looking forward to football tonight – thanks!!

      Yes, great photos!

    4. Debi Said,

      So sorry to hear about your insurance battles! So frustrating, so aggravating! We battled for nearly a year over one thing after another after our baby was in the NICU. I hope everything gets worked out for you!

    5. Cam Said,

      Oh that stinks about the insurance! Sometimes I wonder why common sense doesn’t come into the picture when they come up with some of the stuff they come up with! I’m sorry about that, and also about all your broken things.
      It sounds like a good weekend, other than those things. I hope you enjoyed your day with Beau!

    6. Presentstorm Said,

      I hate when things I really like get broken also…Leaves ya with a sinking feeling in your stomach doesn’t it? I will have to check out that movie sometime….

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

    7. Susie Said,

      That is really yucky about the insurance stuff. They can be such pains to deal with (believe me, I know, I used to work for one of them!).

      Do you know we haven’t ever watched a single episode of 24? Ever? I’m beginning to think that we should go ahead and buy the season box sets and get caught up with the rest of the world. 🙂

    8. sherry Said,

      Woohoo! American Idol is coming!!!!!!!!! If I could do a backflip I would TOTALLY do one right now!


      ps I answered the question you asked on my blog — YES, I will be listing every book I read this year 🙂


    9. local girl Said,

      I can’t wait for AI, too! The auditions are hilarious!

      Sounds like you had a really nice relaxing date night. Those are the best kind!

    10. Becca Said,

      I hear you on the insurance! I had my mammogram in September, they paid for the mammogram, but would not pay for the radiologist because she supposedly was not in network..uhm, it was in a hospital. I did not know that I was supposed to ask if you were in my insurance network…my husband had to call and tell them to pay it! Ugh!


    11. tiggerprr Said,

      What a nice date night! 🙂 Yummy Chinese food always makes me happy. LOL

      I hear you on the dental insurance! I had to have a root canal the day before Thanksgiving (could that be any more fun!?) then had to get the crown put in the week before Christmas. Had to pay for all of it up front too and still waiting on reimbursement. Not fun for the holidays. :/

    12. DawnK Said,

      Wow, you have 5 books read already and I am proud to have finally finished one! I already started another one, though, since it took me so long to read the first one and I have no idea how much time I have left, for the other two, since they are all library books. I guess it’s time to sign into my library account and check!

      Sorry about the insurance hassles. Argh!

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