Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

They’re Sprouting!

I bought a cheap little herb kit in Walmart a couple of weeks ago, and planted the seeds about 10 days ago. I’ve been watering them faithfully every day (just a little, with a mist sprayer so I don’t over soak them and rot them out) and now, they are starting to sprout!

I’m not sure what is what, or how much more they will grow, but just this little bit of germinating is enough to make me happy. 🙂 I don’t have a particularly green thumb and haven’t had much luck with things like this in the past. So, this is good!

Herbs Sprouting (10 days)

Herbs Sprouting (10 days)

Herbs Sprouting (10 days)

  1. gail Said,

    mine is sprouting too! I went ahead and bought it (like you told me to, and planted it like Friday to bring with me, that is another story!) but they are sprouting some too, not quite as much as yours but I think you’ve had yours planted longer than mine. And they are more on one side than the other, sort of like your pic, but I sort of planted them in sides or corners, if that makes sense.

  2. Stace Said,

    Gail – cool! I didn’t know you had bought one also. Now, we just need to figure out which one is what herb, and hope they grow enough to actually be able to use them! I am just excited to get something to grow from seed, I’ve never had any luck with that before.

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