Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Herbs from Seeds

I’m going out on a limb here and trying something new – growing things from seeds. I got a little kitchen herbs starter kit at Walmart last week. Just a little inexpensive one, so I’m not expecting a whole lot from it, but I thought it would be fun to try. I want to grow more herbs, more useful things that I can cook with. I got two plants (thyme and oregano) last year, but by the time I got them going good, we left on vacation for Washington DC and they died while we were gone. I will probably end up going to the nursery in a month or so and buying some herb plants, but in the mean time – I’m going to give this starter seed kit a try.

Here’s what the kit looks like, a cheap one from Walmart:

Herb Starter Kit

I opened it up on Saturday and planted it… click on the extended entry to see some pictures of my latest project 🙄

Here’s the contents spread out on my kitchen table. There were 5 sets of seed packets, but I didn’t plant one of them – the cilantro. I do not like cilantro. I’m one of those odd people who eats cilantro and it tastes like dish soap. 🙂

Kit spread out and ready to plant

Here’s the seeds scattered on the soil, before I covered them with the last bit of potting soil that came in the kit… the picture may be too small to see the seeds, but I tried!

Seeds in soil

And finally, it is sitting on the edge of my kitchen table by a window… I’m not sure if it will get enough sun here, but I’m going to try it for now. I have to remember the water the thing every day… I’m just spraying it with a mister so as not to overwater and rot the seeds. I may be underwatering. I don’t know – I haven’t tried this before!

Ready to go!

  1. Gail Said,

    ooh, fun! did that pot come with it also?
    If you get even some it will have been worth it I bet. I wish my store would have that; in the garden section or outdoor garden area?

  2. Stace Said,

    Gail – yes, it was all together in that one box. I found mine in the inside portion of my garden center, back by the back cash register they have. They had another one, a bigger set, took up more room, and also something else and they were sort of on a pallet on the floor, not on shelf or end cap.

    The pot, soil, and 6 packets of seeds were in the one box. I planted all the seeds but cilantro. It has sweet basil, curly parsley, thyme, marjoram and chives. I hope the basil, parsley, thyme and chives grow. I don’t know what I’d do with marjoram! But I know I dislike cilantro. I can always tell at Mexican places if their salsa has a lot in it, it tastes like it has dish soap added to it. 🙂

  3. deb Said,

    Stacey, I may have to get this, too. My miniature one is, well, very miniature lol!

  4. Stace Said,

    Thanks Deb! Actually, I should have given you the credit. I had read at your blog that you bought a little herb set at Lowe’s and started some from seed. I had seen the same set at Lowe’s, and after reading your blog, went back and they were all gone. So, when I saw these little kits in Walmart, I went ahead and took the plunge. I hope they at least germinate and grow some. I don’t have high expectations, but plan to have a barrel of fun trying to get them to grow! 🙂

  5. Sindee Said,

    HI Stacy!
    What a cute pot! That’s it, I’m off to Wal-Mart tomorrow to see what I can find. lol That would be just perfect for my kitchen! Thanks for sharing. {{Hugs}}

  6. Gail Said,

    I want to get it too! Do you think if I go ahead and get it, the planting can wait til after my trip or should I just chance it and buy it later?

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