Did someone say Decorations?
1. Do you decorate your house this time of year? if soรขโฌยฆ how? ( a photo or description. ) Yes, I do. Probably too much. I like to put it up, love enjoying it, but oh how I dread taking it all down! We do outside lights (icicle and net, well, not “we”, but my worker bee Tim), garland and lights on the deck, one tree, my Snow Village and misc other decorations around the house.
P.S. I might try to put up some pictures later on in the week or month. I put up my Snow Village today, and we’re going to work on the tree soon, then the outside lights. I have plenty of pictures of years past and will (as always) take pictures this year. Same every year, but I still take the pics!
2. Have you ever been in a decoration competition? No way Jose
3. How much is too much? Well, too much is too much! If it’s overdone or “gawdy” it’s too much. Can’t describe it, I’d have to point out what I think is too much. This is actually a running discussion Tim and I used to have. We’d be driving along and I’d see something I didn’t like in someone’s yard (mixed colored lights, a pet peeve of mine, too many decorations, etc) and I’d say something not-nice like, that’s sorta tacky. Tim would (deservedly so) point out that they just have more Christmas spirit than I do and everyone has their own idea of what they like and want. So, I better just back off and take the 5th on this one! 
4. How do you celebrate this time of year? I’m afraid in more commercial ways than I should. I try very hard to remember what it’s all about, why we celebrate, and try to do things in that spirit. But, I’m ashamed to admit that most of the time I get caught up in the $$ aspect of it, and how much shopping I’ve done and what I’ve got left to do and on and on, and I get stressed about it. Not what should happen or what I want to happen, but alas, it usually does. I would like to do more in the future to remember the “reason for the season” and celebrate our Lord’s birth and not so much what present to buy for someone.
P.S. Oops – just went and read Kryss’s answers to this question (she does this meme) and realized she meant where and who you visit kind of “how do you celebrate” !! Oops! We go from house to house. One of the things I like least about the holidays and not being able to have kids. Then we could stay home some. Sigh. We go to the in-law’s (normally on Christmas Eve), then to my sister’s house (normally on Christmas Day), but this year they may be swapped due to a recent divorce and custody agreement on the in-law’s side of the family. That’s being worked out, so not sure yet. In the middle of that, or the tail end, I always insist that we carve out a small niche of time for us to open presents at home, and do stockings and have my “world-famous” sticky bread for a Christmas breakfast. ๐