Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Seventeen Shopping Days Left!::

Onesome: Seventeen Shopping– Malls? ..or one Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I’m curious about what the real people are doing. Well… I had planned to do more online, but so far, I’ve only ordered a few things. I have gone during the day, during the middle of the week, to do some shopping, when it’s not as crowded. I am not, I repeat, NOT getting out on Saturday or Sunday afternoon to go Christmas shopping.

Twosome: Days– …or “Daze”? Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? …or is there just one person you’re having trouble finding something for? Well, I’d guess that I’m about 60% done. A week ago, I hadn’t really started, but several concentrated trips have helped. I have to do at least one or two more, and then get busy with the wrapping. Haven’t started that at all.

Threesome: Left!– What’s left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? …or maybe you’re just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good? I haven’t started Christmas cards yet, haven’t started wrapping, and both of those need to get underway soon. The baking and stuff will only start a week or so before the big day, with most of it the last couple of days before Christmas Eve.


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