Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

Tree Cam

Gotta love the Internet – click here for a link to a live “tree cam” of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree in New York City. You might need to click on Holiday under Channels on the top left, then Live Tree Cam in the top right if the link doesn’t take you directly there (which it probably won’t!). As an added bonus, it plays some nice Christmas music too ๐Ÿ™‚

Ho, Ho, Ho and Merry Christmas!

Posted by Stace

Sci-Fi Channel

I’ve blogged a blurb or two here and there about how disappointed I always am when one of my favorite shows has a rerun on, and not a new episode. I reiterate – what’s up with that, people?! I mean, these actors and the networks make millions of dollars, why can’t they churn out more new episodes? This week, none of our regular shows have had a new episode on. No new NCIS, no new Threshold, no new Criminal Minds, NO NEW LOST, argh. At least tonight, we’ll get to see Survivor.

So, with nothing new on and some good looking commercials for the Sci-Fi original miniseries “The Triangle”, we tuned in the last 3 nights to watch that. It had some big names in it, both stars and guys producing (the guys behind the movies Independence Day and XMen), and it was a pretty good miniseries. Good sci-fi stuff, if you like that kind of thing, which we do.

However, I must stop here and point out the most important thing, the whole reason for this blog entry – during commercial breaks of The Triangle, they kept showing commercials for ALL NEW episodes of Battlestar Galactica, beginning January 6. I screamed and hollered “woo-hoo” every time they showed one. I think Tim got tired of it after 3 nights ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m very excited though, I love that show, and can’t wait for new episodes. And new podcasts too, to download to my iPod and listen to. Yippeeeee!

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Seventeen Shopping Days Left!::

Onesome: Seventeen Shopping– Malls? ..or one Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I’m curious about what the real people are doing. Well… I had planned to do more online, but so far, I’ve only ordered a few things. I have gone during the day, during the middle of the week, to do some shopping, when it’s not as crowded. I am not, I repeat, NOT getting out on Saturday or Sunday afternoon to go Christmas shopping.

Twosome: Days– …or “Daze”? Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? …or is there just one person you’re having trouble finding something for? Well, I’d guess that I’m about 60% done. A week ago, I hadn’t really started, but several concentrated trips have helped. I have to do at least one or two more, and then get busy with the wrapping. Haven’t started that at all.

Threesome: Left!– What’s left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? …or maybe you’re just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good? I haven’t started Christmas cards yet, haven’t started wrapping, and both of those need to get underway soon. The baking and stuff will only start a week or so before the big day, with most of it the last couple of days before Christmas Eve.

Posted by Stace

Bah Humbug… Part Deux


OK, for those of you who read this post, I thought you might enjoy a little update.

Yesterday, I got my “rear in gear” and got busy. I went Christmas shopping most of the day, and then when Tim got in, he offered to take me out to dinner, and go Christmas shopping with me. Tim is much more decisive than I am, and is better about getting stuff for everyone (I can’t decide, and stress over whether I should get this or that, or if they’d like something else, and on and on ad nauseum). So, I’m happy to report that things are looking a little better. At least some of the presents are bought now. The decorations were already up, although there are no wrapped presents under the tree and no Christmas cards ready to mail, but at least it’s a big step in the right direction. I think once more of the “work” is done, less stress will equate more Christmas spirit to me. I do enjoy listening to my music (which I’m trying to do more of), and when I start wrapping, I will put on one of my favorite Christmas movies and watch, so that will all help. And, it does help that it’s cooled off and feels more seasonal.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, Tim took me to Logan’s last night. It was really good! Tim had Southwest BBQ chicken and I had Carolina Shrimp (fried) with one of their yummy sweet potatoes. It was all good, and we ate too many warm yeast rolls!

Posted by Stace

Ten on Tuesday Meme

Ten on Tuesday

Today’s Ten on Tuesday’s topic is…. Ten Household Chores You Hate.

{OK, note: I started this on Tuesday, but didn’t get it finished… so I’m posting it a day late. And still unfinished, but maybe some inspiration will hit me later!!!}

1. Dusting
2. Mopping
3. Cleaning white sinks, countertops and toilets (white always looks dirty)
4. Filing receipts, statements, paperwork
5. Ironing
6. Cleaning Windows (easy, I rarely do this one!)
7. Watering flowers in the summer (the pots dry out every single day)
8. Cleaning out the refrigerator (again, I rarely do this, just wipe the shelves periodically)

Posted by Stace

Bah Humbug… and Santa’s Elves


I haven’t really had any Christmas spirit so far this year. We’ve put up the tree, my Snow Village, the outside lights and I’ve been listening to Christmas music on my iPod, computer and the surround sound in the den. And… nothing. No Christmas spirit. Not one bit. I’m having a very Bah Humbug kind of holiday so far.

I finally bit the bullet and started doing some shopping. I did a little bit when Gail came down last week and I went again today. I got a few things done, so at least it’s a start. We still have a long way to go though. I wonder if the presents will now magically wrap themselves and appear under the tree?! ๐Ÿ™‚ Same thing with the Christmas cards… I wonder if somehow, during the middle of the night, they might suddenly be addressed and written and all ready to go. Ya think?! ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

This week’s questions are all about moving… Have fun, and thank you so much for playing! =)

1. When is the last time you moved? 12 1/2 years ago

2. How many times in your life have you moved? Not counting to and from dorms in college, probably about 6 or 7. All of those were to and from different apartments after college, before I was able to buy this house.

3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving? The whole thing, really, is a pain. The packing, moving, unpacking, changing utilities and phones, etc, billing addresses, etc. Just a lot to do and usually not a lot of time!

4. What is the most exciting thing about moving? Cleaning out stuff and going someplace new and fresh and usually cleaner!

5. If you’ve lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future? Depends on Tim’s job

6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where? I’d love to live in the mountains in a big (I mean big) cabin. ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted by Stace

Weather Update

The bad weather we were forecast to receive has yet to materialize. No storms blew through overnight and we’ve only had one little drizzle so far this afternoon. It is a lot cooler than yesterday, when it got in the upper 70’s. It looks really dreary outside though. ๐Ÿ™

Posted by Stace

Bass Pro Shop

Bass Pro Shops We went with a whole crew out to the new Bass Pro Shop that opened this week in nearby Pearl. Not as big as the headquarters one we have visited in Missouri, but still nice and good to have so close by. We had a good time. Got there early and met up with Mitchell, Terry, Tony and his son Ryan, and also Fred. I talked Tim into getting us coffee and a huge cinnamon roll from the Starbucks inside (I had a white chocolate mocha, yum). We stayed and shopped for a while. Fred bought a double gun case that he had been wanting, but had to stand in a humungously long line to pay, probably close to an hour, maybe more. Tim and I had a whole basket of stuff, including several Christmas presents, but didn’t want to wait that long, so we put it all back and left empty-handed. ๐Ÿ™

We all went to eat a late lunch afterwards, at Golden Corral, and I for one, consumed way too much food. Fred left after lunch, to head back home, and everyone else headed for Academy Sports. Tim and I bought a few things there, for us, and Ryan got a football. ๐Ÿ™‚ We made another stop at Hobbytown for something Tony needed, then they all headed back towards home.

Tim and I got home just before dark, and started putting up all the outside lights. He hung the icicle lights for me, helped me with the lighted garland over the doorway, and we hung the garland, lights and bows all along the back deck for us to enjoy. It all looks really good! It took a while, so we ran to Sonic for a late supper. I wanted to try the new Gingerbread Blast, and I’m happy to report the half I just ate was really good!

Busy day, but fun and productive. The best kind! It’s been soooo windy all day, blustery and quite warm. A strong front is supposed to move through overnight with bad weather and a lot of rain. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t get bad here, and especially, that it doesn’t blow down any of the lights we hung tonight! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Friday Questions

Yet another meme/ set of fun questions from this site. ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy!

1. What kind of pillow do you like? (Thanks Heather!) To sleep on, something fluffy and plump and preferably hypo-allergenic. To just laze around on and toss about :), there’s nothing better than chenille.

2. Do you wear slippers? (Thanks Heather!) When my feet are cold, I do. Especially this time of year.

3. Do you sleep with socks on? (Thanks Heather!) Not normally, but this time of year, if it’s cold, I’ll go to sleep with them on. Inevitably, during the night, I wake up and take them off and toss them on the floor.

4. What were you doing a year ago today? Probably the same thing I’m doing today! ๐Ÿ™‚

5. Do you send out Christmas Cards? Yes

6. Do you like to wrap? Not really. The OCD in me likes to make nice creases, straight cuts and use lots and lots of scotch tape though!

7. What are your plans for the weekend? Not sure. Tim and several friends/family members are planning a trip to our new Bass Pro Shop that opened this week. I might tag along (I think I’ll be the only girl), or not. Haven’t decided. I hope we get our outside Christmas lights put up, the inside stuff is done.

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver

Park it

1. When is the last time you rode the bus? Hmm, don’t take public transportation… really – ever! I don’t think we rode on a bus in DC, just took the Metro. So, the last one that I can remember was in Atlanta 3 years ago, we took the metro then a bus to get to Turner Field to a Braves game.

2. Describe the last time you stood up for a cause: Probably never, I don’t like to cause a stink or push my opinions on other people.

3. Have you visited Alabama? Of course! Helps that it’s “right next door”! We’ve been to Birmingham to the Titanic exhibit, I’ve been shopping in Boaz and Foley and also been to Gulf Shores. We want to go to Huntsville to the Space Center, and also want to go to DeSoto State Park and do some hiking.

4. Have you ever attended a rally? Nope.

5. Have you ever been arrested? Heavens no. ๐Ÿ™„

Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Got a couple of memes to catch up on! Here’s a good one from yesterday…

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Christmas Elf Gifs::

Onesome: Christmas– “Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat…” Nope, I’m not going there, not by a long shot! How about: Even though we just finished up the Thanksgiving meal, what dish are you looking forward to most at Christmas time? …and yes, Christmas cookies count! Hmm, we have the same type foods at Christmas normally that we do at Thanksgiving (turkey, dressing, etc), and I look forward to that, because it’s really the only time of year I get it! I also look forward to some of the sweet stuff I make – fudge and my reindeer food ๐Ÿ˜€

Twosome: Elf– Who is your favorite Christmas Elf? Mom? Dad? Will Farrell? That guy who helps you at the tree place each year? Definitely not Will Farrell! Tim would be my pick. He helps me put up the outside decorations and shop for the guys in the family, so he’s a good elf.

Threesome: Gifs– How about your favorite bit of Christmas artwork? Is it a painting? …a cartoon? …your special ornament? …the tree in the town square? All of the ornaments we have on our tree from our vacations. I love opening them up every year and going, “ooh, do you remember when we went here and got this ornament?” ๐Ÿ™‚ This year, we added a Mount Vernon Homecoming ornament we got this summer. It describes how George Washington returned home to Mt Vernon after 8 years of serving the Colonial forces. He arrived home on Christmas Eve! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted by Stace

Been Busy

Been busy the last few days. Tim has been working from home, and working late at night. He even had to work all day and then half the night on his birthday, poor thing. Then, Gail came down Wednesday afternoon and we went shopping. I cooked us all some supper (homemade sausage corn chowder) and we watched Lost. Gail spent the night and we went shopping again today (for most of the day). Today was the last day of gun season, so Tim went deer hunting. Busy, busy, busy!

UPDATE: For those of you who asked or didn’t, no, Tim didn’t shoot another deer. He didn’t even see one this time. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Posted by Stace

It’s beginning to look a lot …

like Christmas around here! At least, more than it was a couple of days ago ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday, on that national holiday known as Tim’s birthday, I got my Snow Village put up (although I have a light out in one of the houses and have to go in search of a bulb), got the tree up and most of the rest of the inside decorations. We still have all the outside lights and decorations to do, but it is looking more like Christmas. It took a while though. Tim had to work late, starting at 11 PM, so I stayed up pretty late and worked on stuff. A lot later than I’m used to sitting up, and I am feeling it so far this morning. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Now, about it feeling a lot more like Christmas, it doesn’t. I don’t seem to have one bit of Christmas spirit this year. I have absolutely no idea of what to get anyone this year, and no one, and I mean no one has given me a list of any kind, any ideas, suggestions, hints or otherwise helpful information. I refuse to just go out and buy people something for the sake of just buying them a present. I’d rather get someone a present that they want, need (although both of our families are very blessed, we really don’t want for any kind of necessities), or would really just like to have or enjoy getting. But, without a little cooperation, that ain’t gonna happen. ๐Ÿ˜€

So, come on family members, send me something to work with. My Amazon list is up to date, so you can’t say you don’t have any ideas for me. There’s 20 or 25 things on there, so no excuses. I’m into books, cookbooks, iTunes gift cards, and warm footwear this year ๐Ÿ™‚ These new tile floors are cold! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Tuesday’s Tales

Tuesday's Tales

Did someone say Decorations?

1. Do you decorate your house this time of year? if soรขโ‚ฌยฆ how? ( a photo or description. ) Yes, I do. Probably too much. I like to put it up, love enjoying it, but oh how I dread taking it all down! We do outside lights (icicle and net, well, not “we”, but my worker bee Tim), garland and lights on the deck, one tree, my Snow Village and misc other decorations around the house.

P.S. I might try to put up some pictures later on in the week or month. I put up my Snow Village today, and we’re going to work on the tree soon, then the outside lights. I have plenty of pictures of years past and will (as always) take pictures this year. Same every year, but I still take the pics!

2. Have you ever been in a decoration competition? No way Jose

3. How much is too much? Well, too much is too much! If it’s overdone or “gawdy” it’s too much. Can’t describe it, I’d have to point out what I think is too much. This is actually a running discussion Tim and I used to have. We’d be driving along and I’d see something I didn’t like in someone’s yard (mixed colored lights, a pet peeve of mine, too many decorations, etc) and I’d say something not-nice like, that’s sorta tacky. Tim would (deservedly so) point out that they just have more Christmas spirit than I do and everyone has their own idea of what they like and want. So, I better just back off and take the 5th on this one! :mrgreen:

4. How do you celebrate this time of year? I’m afraid in more commercial ways than I should. I try very hard to remember what it’s all about, why we celebrate, and try to do things in that spirit. But, I’m ashamed to admit that most of the time I get caught up in the $$ aspect of it, and how much shopping I’ve done and what I’ve got left to do and on and on, and I get stressed about it. Not what should happen or what I want to happen, but alas, it usually does. I would like to do more in the future to remember the “reason for the season” and celebrate our Lord’s birth and not so much what present to buy for someone.

P.S. Oops – just went and read Kryss’s answers to this question (she does this meme) and realized she meant where and who you visit kind of “how do you celebrate” !! Oops! We go from house to house. One of the things I like least about the holidays and not being able to have kids. Then we could stay home some. Sigh. We go to the in-law’s (normally on Christmas Eve), then to my sister’s house (normally on Christmas Day), but this year they may be swapped due to a recent divorce and custody agreement on the in-law’s side of the family. That’s being worked out, so not sure yet. In the middle of that, or the tail end, I always insist that we carve out a small niche of time for us to open presents at home, and do stockings and have my “world-famous” sticky bread for a Christmas breakfast. ๐Ÿ˜€

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