In years gone by, we always used to have Super Bowl parties. We loved having them and having everyone here, but through the years, it has dwindled down to no one being able to come. We understand, it’s a long way here from Pineville and Hattiesburg, and the game starts late, so that puts everyone late getting back. And on a Sunday night too, with school and work the next morning. We just miss having everyone here π
So, now Tim and I have solo Super Bowl parties. Not as much food, not as much fun, but fun for us nonetheless. The upside is that I don’t have to do as much cooking and cleaning beforehand, and also we actually get to sit and watch the game. I never got to do that before, I was always running around doing other stuff. So that part is nice.
I just made our dip for the game. Using This relish from Harry and David. Note to self – the next time we go anywhere near a Harry and David outlet store, be sure to stock up on Moose Munch, this relish, and cherry and blueberry chocolates. Yummy.
Well, the original plan for the rest of the food was to go pick up some wings from Wingstop, then sit back and enjoy the game. (Here’s their Menu.) Both Tim and I thought that they and all the local pizza places would be swamped this afternoon, so we planned to call an hour and a half before we wanted them. And I did. And the guy at Wingstop promptly told me “we’re not accepting phone orders today”. HUH? He said, you can come here and place your order. I asked how long it would be, and he said at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Well, that’s fine, except that Tim and I were a little put out that they wouldn’t at least accept our order over the phone, that we had to drive there first, either sit and wait, or else turn around, go home, then turn around and drive back. So, we switched to the newly devised plan ‘B’. We decided to go buy a bag of hot wings. We just got back and did just that. We will soon have some hot wings in the oven. I just finished making bleu cheese dip for the wings, and we picked up some baked beans and potato salad while we were out. Good thing we live close to a lot of places and have a lot of backup options! π
As for the game itself…. We’ve had several discussions over the past few days about who to pull for. These teams don’t mean as much to me. I had originally thought about pulling for the Eagles because of Todd Pinkston and his Forest/ USM connection, but Tim has reasoned with me, and reason has won out. We don’t like Terrell Owens and several other components of the Eagle team. We do however, really like Tom Brady and the strength of the Patriot offense and defense. Not a lot of break-out glittery stars with big mouths, just a cadre of men who seem to like the game, have respect for it, and play with a lot of class. So, it’s official now, we’re rooting for the Patriots. I may be eating crow tomorrow, but that’s ok. We’re not emotionally invested in this game. Not like if our Saints were playing, or my beloved Brett, or my man Peyton and his Colts. 
If you’re watching the game, hope you have a great Super Bowl party of your own!