Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme

Another meme, I really like the idea of these! This one came from HERE

1) Do you take baths or showers?
2) Do you like the water super hot or just tepid?
3) Do you use bath gel, bath crystals, bubble bath, or other scented stuff?
4) What do you like to do when you take a bath?
5) What is your one item essential to a great bath?

Stacy’s Answers:

1) I take both, but prefer showers
2) I like it as hot as I can take it, especially in the winter
3) If I take baths, I sometimes use bubble bath. Either way (bath or shower), I use a scented body wash. In the summer, it’s usually a lighter, maybe flowery one like raspberry or cucumber melon. In the winter, it’s almost always warm vanilla sugar (from Bath & Body Works) or Vanilla (Avon – thanks Amanda!).
4) If I take a bath, I like to soak in very hot water. I gave up long ago trying to read a book or magazine in the bathtub. I dropped a brand new magazine in the tub one time, and that cured me of that need! 😥
5) Hmmm, no essential item to me except hot water. I won’t take cold showers or baths!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    1) Do you take baths or showers?
    I take showers every day, and every once in a blue moon on a weekend, usually on Sunday, I will take a bath.
    2) Do you like the water super hot or just tepid?
    Super Hot. In fact I had a Hot Stone Massage last Sunday, and the lady asked me if I like heat, which I do. It was wonderful.
    3) Do you use bath gel, bath crystals, bubble bath, or other scented stuff?
    Bubble bath is best.
    4) What do you like to do when you take a bath?
    5) What is your one item essential to a great bath?
    Hot water.

  2. Gail Said,

    I take showers mostly, baths occasionally.
    Hot water but not super hot.
    For a shower, dial soap….for a bath, bubble bath, and….hot water!

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