Productive is a good word in my vocabulary. I like to get things done. Tim would say I like things done in my way, on my timetable. He’s probably right. But hey, who doesn’t? π
Today turned out to be a productive day, considering that I wasn’t sure how much we would get done. I had lofty goals, and had made (heaven forbid) a list of things I would like to try to knock out today. Tim normally bristles at the sight of one of my lists. But, he was a patient guy today and worked with me on several of the things on my list. We didn’t get them all done (most of the stuff in the yard, but not all, and we didn’t get the outside freezer defrosted. Hate that thing), but we got a lot more accomplished today than I thought we would when we woke up this morning.
We went to Home Depot and found several things we needed. Allergen AC Filters (the older I get, the more dust bothers me). A light switch thingie for the bathroom. A glass cutter for Tim. Priced a big set of router bits he wants (now I have to get online and look around and see if I can find them cheaper). Found a shelving thing I wanted. And even found some new wallpaper for our bathroom.
I’ve been wanting to redo the bathroom to match our bedroom ever since we got a new comforter set last fall. Totally different colors, we went from sky blues and grass greens to burgundy, green and gold. The bathroom is still medium blue and our room is burgundy. Doesn’t really go. We found a wallpaper border at Home Depot that I liked ok, but I’m not completely sold on. (Tim, on the other hand, is already completely sold. It doesn’t take him long to decide if he likes things or not. Not like me, things have to grow on me). Anyway, we went ahead and bought several rolls, but I haven’t decided if they will go back or not. Going to wait and check out the new Lowe’s that is opening 3/1 in Flowood. Anyway, once we do find new wallpaper, that will be a Saturday project to get the old down and the new up. Then, I’ll be tasked with finding a new shower curtain, rugs, towels, doo-dads, etc.
Back to today. After a fairly satisfying trip to Home Depot, we decided to have a late lunch. We had both been wanting to try the new barbecue place in Madison called Udon’s, next to Blockbuster, so we went there. Tim had a Shotgun, single barrel. They call a hamburger loaded down with chili, cheese and slaw a Shotgun. The waitress told us that she had never really seen any person finish a double barrel, and he would be better off with the single barrel. She was right, Tim wasn’t even able to finish the single barrel. I had a pulled pork sandwich and we shared a big basket of home cut fries. It was all good. I’m debating now as to whether I like this place better than our regular bbq joint, the Haute Pig in Madison. I will have to ask Tim and see which one he likes better. Right now, I’m still leaning toward Haute Pig, although this place was good and we really enjoyed lunch.
Then, we went to Hollywood Video. Had coupons for free rentals (I cashed in some of our cashback from Discover for a booklet of free rentals). We rented “Friday Night Lights” and “Cellular”. Will probably watch one tonight and one tomorrow.
After we got home, we tacked up the border in the bathroom to see how it would look. I’m still debating. I don’t do change well. It’s new. Very dark in contrast to what is in there now and I’m not sure if it’s just different, or just plain too dark for the white counters, tub, shower, etc. Then, we went outside and worked several hours. Worked in the flower beds, pulling weeds, redoing landscape edging, putting out pinestraw, pruning things, etc. Tim also changed the oil in the mower and then changed the oil in the car for me. He’s got to do his truck soon, it’s past time for Clyde to have his oil changed in him. By then, it was after dark and we were about worn out. We came inside, and Tim is now working on two more jobs for me. He replaced the light switch in our bathroom (it’s been “wobbly”) with the one we bought this afternoon at Home Depot. And now he’s out in the laundry room, hanging the wire shelving basket I found, putting it above the washer and dryer. For storing our chips, since we eat so darn many Baked Lays and other potato chips. Well, not we. Tim is the potato chip eater around here. He loves his chips. Gotta have a variety, too. 
All in all, a very busy, but very productive day. π