Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I wonder why some people are born procrastinators, and others are not. I was definitely born that way. Some kind of defective gene.

The latest form is to be expected – I dread doing the taxes every year. Hate it, despise it, it hangs over me like the blackest of clouds, following my every movement, day and night. Logically, I know if I just sat down, did the Nike thing (Just Do It), and got it over with, it wouldn’t bother me as much. And yet, somehow that defective gene always wins out.

I was supposed to work on the taxes yesterday. Somehow I managed to convince myself that I had a hundred other things to do so that I didn’t have to work on the taxes. Today, I woke up and told myself, “work on them today, try to get them knocked out”. Argh. Here it is after lunch and I have been doing the procrastinating thing again. OK, I am going to work on the taxes. I promise. Maybe. 😡

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Hire someone to do what you dread.
    Life is too short to beat yourself over it.

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