Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Today, I’m Grateful for…

It’s not a novel concept, but it is one I like to do from time to time on my blog, and I am always trying to work to be better about. I’m talking about being grateful for something, anything, everything. We’re so very blessed, my husband and I, and we try to be mindful of that. I think an “attitude of gratitude” is a wonderful thing, and something I want to do more of on here.

Today, I’m grateful for water, specifically hot water! I blogged before that our hot water heater went out last week, but we still had cold water. I was so grateful, first for just water period, and then when our hot water heater was replaced. Hot water is wonderful on cold days. Cold showers, washing dishes in a sink full of cold water, etc, are not fun. Today, I scrubbed our bathrooms, and it was so nice to be able to crank it over to really warm and not get my hands frozen trying to clean.

Plus, in the large town nearby, they are having serious water problems. Schools are out today, city and state offices are closed, the DMV is even closed (so, you know it’s serious!), etc. All because they have over 100 water main breaks in the city. We are not on the same water system, and I’m so grateful. To have water, and to have hot water!

How about you? What is one thing, big or small, that you’re grateful for today? You don’t have to explain it, but you can 🙂 Leave me a comment and let me know!