Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feasta buffet for your brain

Friday, March 03, 2006
Feast Eighty-Three

How many pillows and blankets do you sleep with?
Only one pillow. The covers depend on the time of year. In the winter, a sheet, comforter and quilt. In the summer, just the sheet and comforter.

What are you currently “addicted” to?
WELL. I’m an addict on several levels. Always addicted to chocolate and sweets. Always addicted to TV. Currently addicted to reading, playing Sudoku and blogging.

If you could make a small change to your current routine or schedule that would make you just a little bit happier, what would it be?
Well, for the last several weeks, Tim has been having to put in a lot of code at night. That messes up our sleeping schedule. I will be a bit relieved when that is not going on and we get back to a normal time of going to bed and getting up in the AM. I will also be happy when my ankle heals and I can get back into working out and walking. Ouch. My ankle hurts when I put much weight on it.

Main Course
Which adjective do you find yourself using often?
Nothing that I can think of!

Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker?
NO. And I won’t.


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