Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Questions for the Day

OK, let’s play “answer some questions”. The last time I posted something like this, I had good feedback, so let’s try again. Post your answers in the form of a comment here, or at your own blog. 🙂

1. What are your favorite pizza toppings? List your favorite 3 (or more).

2. What was the last movie you saw (theater or rented, your choice, or both)?

3. What is your favorite fruit?

  1. Suzanne Said,

    1) I like pepperoni, extra cheese and mushrooms
    2) Last ones I saw on a plane: Office Space, Something about girls and shoes, some chick flick
    3) Depends, I love grapes, I love strawberries and I TOTALLY love fresh cherries.

  2. Kirk Said,

    1) Pepperoni, Green Olives and Jalapenos. Now that makes for one heck of a pizza
    2) Annapolis. We spent a lot of time in Annapolis when we lived up north and it was great to see those places again, we do miss those days.
    3) My favorite fruit is probably cherries, if not then raspberries.

  3. denise Said,

    1. cheese & pineapple & mushrooms (not necessarily together)
    2. end of the spear (theater)
    3. pineapple

  4. Dawn Said,

    finally played along on my blog! =)

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