Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome

1. Do you have an iPod/mP3 player? If so, what kind? Yes, I have an Ipod, 30 gig photo that I LOVE 😀

2. How many songs are on your player and of those, how many did you purchase online? about 1100 or 1200 right now, and a very small percentage of those were purchased online. I’m going to buy 2 albums soon though, so my online purchases are going up soon. 😉

3. Do you tend to listen to a certain type of music when you are sad/down? If so, describe: Hmmm, I guess sappy songs or sad songs. Not sure. I think when I’m down, I don’t tend to listen to music, I usually stare at the TV or read.

4. How much memory does your player have? Do you think it is too little, just right or way too much? I have a 30 gig. It’s enough for me, but I wish it was the video model and not the photo…. not that I’d pay 1.99 for episodes of Lost or Battlestar Galactica, but I think it’s cool. 🙂

5. What two types of music (jazz, pop, country, rap, etc.) do you listen to more than other types? Country and Pop

And, here’s a bonus – a picture of my beloved iPod, with the red Tough Skin that Tim got me for my birthday. I love it, because I’m clumsy and klutzy and I feel like when I drop or bang my iPod now, it will survive with its Tough Skin keeping it safe. 🙂


  1. Gail Said,

    I think I should add iPod to my birthday wish list! Tell me what kind to get and I’ll put it on my list.

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