Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Where in the World – Day 5

I missed almost all of today’s show…we were up very late and we slept in a little. Today, Matt traveled to the Dalmation coast, Dubrovnik Croatia. I will have to go to the Today Show website later today and look at the videos, as I missed most of it.

  1. Gail Said,

    It was interesting…..looked old and medevial in some places of the city and is supposed to be a good place to visit. These usually look like places that ordinary people wouldn’t think to go but there have been Americans there each day I think. Of course, Shanghai isn’t as unusual but a place like this, I might not ever think about. And they had Goran Visiniz or however you spell his last name, Luka from ER is from Croatia.

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