Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Where in the World – Day 4

I caught more of the segments today, but maybe I missed the best ones, as I was a little “underwhelmed” (is that a word?? It should be you know, opposite of overwhelmed). Today, Matt Lauer was in Shanghai China. Most of the segments I saw were ok, but nothing really stands out in my mind. Most of the people he interacted with only spoke Chinese, and couldn’t answer his questions. The main thing I got out of out of it is that now there are 1.3 billion Chinese. 🙂 And that Shanghai is a very large city, and very fast growing. Oh, and I saw a bit about a place in Shanghai where you can get 16 steamed dumplings for the equivalent of $1.00 US. Now, that’s what I’m talking about! 😀

OK, the clue for the last day is totally lost on me. I have absolutely no idea. He said the clue is “We’ve jumbled Cruella’s evil plan.” HUH?

  1. Gail Said,

    Al has so gotten every one of his clues that he just goes straight to him at the top of the program at 7 and just asks him where he is! He figured out that it was Shanghai, shopping, river city and that there was a movie called Shanghai Surprise! Very impressive.
    If you watch more of the segments from 7-8 Stacy, you might get a little more info….yes some of the people were difficult b/c of the language barrier; very fast growing city apparantly. Have to think about the next clue…..I didn’t get the Shanghai one at all but did sort of figure out the Olympic part for Innsbruck but just not the location.
    Matt did comment something to the effect that they were thinking about the 101 Dalmations Cruella, but is there another one?

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