Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Where in the World – Day 3

Well, apparently Matt traveled to Innsbruck Austria today. I missed most of it, and so far, they don’t have a lot of his video blog up on the Today Show website (today.msnbc.com). Maybe later. I did see the video of him doing the zip line across Innsbruck, which looked beautiful.

This location really ties in with the books I am currently reading (The Zion Covenant). The first book was entitled “Vienna Prelude” and quite a bit of it took place in the Tyrol and in Vienna, of course.

The clue for tomorrow’s destination was something along the lines of “this river city is known for it’s shopping, but the surprise is that there is no Eiffel Tower”. So it could be most any major city in the world. I’d like to guess that it’s Milan (but I don’t think Milan is located on a river); Milan is the next city after Paris that springs to my mind when I think shopping!!


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