Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Where in the World – Day 1

All of my life, I’ve been a TV addict. Now, that I am at home during the day, that means I watch a lot more daytime TV. I turn some of the talk shows on in the AM, and mostly just keep them on for noise. I enjoy some of the segments (some actors on promoting their latest movie, author promoting a new book, the occasional singer or band, etc). But, for the most part, I really just have it on in the background.

However, one thing I truly enjoy is the “Where in the World is Matt Lauer” series they do on the Today show once a year. Or less, I don’t remember him traveling last year. Anyway, I saw a couple of weeks ago that they were promoting this for November, and I wanted to be sure to tune in every day.

Moai on Easter Island Today, I was not disappointed. Matt traveled on Day 1 to Easter Island. I have heard and read of this place before, but earlier this year, in reading the book “Three Weeks with my Brother” by Nicholas and Micah Sparks, I had a renewed surge of interest in the place. Located in the South Pacific and a province of the country of Chile, Easter Island is the most isolated inhabited island in the world. The famous stone statues, the Moai, line the coastline and have given rise to many questions as to their origin, use, how they were carved and erected, etc. You can read more about Easter Island here at Wikipedia.

Can’t wait to see where he goes tomorrow! Tune in!


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