Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

View from my Window

I was on the computer some yesterday afternoon (Friday) while Tim was working on removing the last of the adhesive from the floor in the guest bathroom. I turned around and looked outside the window in the computer room, and realized it looked like fall outside! One of the things we really like about our little subdivision is that they have in the covenants for everyone to have one of these big oaks planted… and they are starting to get bigger and show some nice color in the fall.

Click to see some pictures, one that I took yesterday, looking out the window in the computer room, and a couple I took this morning. 🙂

View from my window:

View from my computer room window, early November 2005

Looking down our street:

Trees on our Street, early November 2005

Fall color on the big tree in front of our house:

Tree in front

We have tons of acorns everywhere, the squirrels should be quite happy!!

Acorns on the sidewalk

  1. Suzanne Said,

    Well………you have a little fall color. Not as vivid as we have, but fall color nonetheless.

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