Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Fall Back

fall back

Good thing the time changed this weekend. Tim is on-call and the phone rang about 5:30 AM this morning. They were having problems with a gateway and so, of course, they called him. Thankfully, he was able to resolve the problem fairly quickly, and we were able to go back to sleep and get some more sleep. That extra hour really came in handy! :mrgreen:

I know most people don’t like the time change, but I do. I’m an oddball, I know. I like it being daylight earlier in the morning, because I prefer to get up and go walking in the morning (something we don’t usually do when it’s dark in the morning). That way, we don’t walk when Tim gets in from work (which often interferes with my cooking/supper schedule). 🙂 I like it getting dark earlier, I like settling in earlier in the evenings, lighting some candles, cooking supper when it’s dark, lighting a fire before Tim comes home from work (once it gets a little colder), things like that. Total nesting type things. I didn’t like it as much when I was working and commuting, though, so I understand why most people don’t like it. But I do!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    I don’t like to fall back !!!


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