Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Junk Drawer Poll

I just posted a new poll on the home page of Hambones. I got the idea for this one as I was blog-surfing last night, where a stay-at-home mom was talking about the monumental chore of cleaning out her junk drawers in the kitchen. Seems she has a large kitchen and several children and was talking (very humorously) about how much stuff is in them, especially kids things. Got me thinking about that.

We have what I would consider two “junk” type drawers in our kitchen, in that, they do not contain exclusively kitchen related items (food, towels, utensils, silverware, and I have a drawer that has foil, saran wrap, ziplocs, etc, which I consider kitchen items). These two drawers seem to stay full of stuff we only need periodically, for the most part. I have one big drawer that has (among many other dozens of items), scissors, notepads, pens/pencils, my coupon holder, recipes that I have clipped out of newspapers and magazines, instruction booklets for small appliances, etc. The other is truly the junk drawer in the house, containing batteries, screwdrivers, super glue, candles for birthday cakes, rubber bands, twistie ties, etc.

I think a lot of this stuff should go somewhere else, and not waste my “precious” space in the kitchen, but I don’t really have a place for it to go. The only other choice would be the cabinets in the laundry room, but most of this stuff is small (that’s why it’s in a drawer). So, it inevitably gets stuck in the drawers in the kitchen.

OK – here’s your task – name some of the things you guys have in your junk drawers? Are the drawers in the kitchen or another area of the house? Do you need to clean them out? And any other useless information you’d like to let me know about your junk drawers! (Can you tell I’m feeling stifled by our polling system lately, just not enough room there to talk about everything I want to talk about!)


  1. Suzanne Said,

    I would first like to say I need to know how to change the font on your blog, because it comes up on my screen about 6 point. I can’t read comments. While I am typing this it is like 12 point, ok.
    So tell !!!
    Junk drawer. One of my favorites. I have ours down to one junk drawer because I have places and containers for those other things you mentioned.
    I bought square boxes at the container store for all sizes of batteries, one each. A box for A batteries, D for D, etc. Then they go in the freezer to last longer (is that a myth?)
    And I have made myself 3-ring binders for all warranties, household appliance books, etc. for stuff you don’t want to throw away on stuff you have bought. Appliances, phones, etc.
    You should put your recipes in your recipe box, shouldn’t you?
    We have candles, tape, scissors, in the junk drawer with one of those holdy things you can fit in the drawer. Also rubber bands.

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