Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

A Few More Pictures

I uploaded a few more pictures from after the Hurricane. These are ones I took on the way to my in-laws house in Smith County. They live in a rural area and there were tons of trees down everywhere.

Here’s a picture of the barn near their house, the same picture that I use for the top of my blog – so look at the top to compare, it doesn’t quite look the same! In fact, you can hardly see the barn now for the tree that split and fell in front of it:

Barn with Tree down in front of it

Here’s a wonderful sight we saw on the way… lines of power trucks on the interstate (I-20) who were coming in to help. Yeah!

Power Company Trucks coming to Help

Here’s an example of what the roads looked like on the way to Tim’s parents house, trees down everywhere. Local residents got out with their chainsaws early on, to clear at least one lane for local traffic to go through. You just had to be really careful of power lines down and hanging low, to make sure you had enough clearance to pass underneath:

Smith County Roads

Here’s a lucky one, the tree fell away from their house. Many many were not so lucky, we saw tons of trees on houses:

Tree Down away from a house


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