Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Pet Peeve

Elizabeth blogged about a pet peeve of hers the other day, and got me to thinking. Geesh, I have tons of pet peeves!

The first two that spring to mind are bad drivers. First, there are those that pull out in front of me with not enough room and force me to slam on my brakes, or else I’ll hit them. Secondly, there are those that insist on getting through a red light and pull out into the intersection, thereby blocking the intersection and not letting others get through on their green light. Argh. Drives me nuts.

Last night, I realized another pet peeve I have. This one involves Tim. Now, before I launch into this, I know everyone will pipe up and defend Tim. And they should, he’s a great guy who doesn’t deserve to be picked on in my blog. Like I tell him all the time, you look like an absolute prince in my blog. I never write anything bad or off color or anything that even remotely makes him look anything but perfect in my blog. Up till now, he’s coming out smelling like a rose. That’s about to change. Hahaha.

Not really. He is a wonderful guy, but part of the great thing about marriage is the compromise and the give and take. Tim does more than his share and I am not going to complain here, now, today or ever. He just has a few little annoying things he does now and then that probably wouldn’t bother most people. But, me being me, they do bother me.

Here’s the example for the day:

Hamper with Clothes Dumped on Top

Now, to most people, this is no big deal. I acknowledge the fact that Tim is great and doesn’t leave his clothes laying around on the floor {most of the time}. He doesn’t just drop them where he takes them off in the bathroom {most of the time} or bedroom {most of the time}. He likes to throw them at the hamper, or drop them on top of the hamper.

This is a pet peeve of mine. Just me, it’s that obsessive-compulsive thing I have.

To me, if you’re going to put your clothes in the hamper, which we both do every day, it doesn’t take that much longer to actually take the lid off the hamper and dump them inside. It saves me having to come behind him and turn them right side out and then take the lid off and throw them in the hamper. It’s not a big thing, only takes a few seconds, but then again, that’s not the definition of pet peeves, is it? 😀 I know that I have no room to complain, he’s great about at least getting his clothes in the general direction, but it would be nice if they were actually inside the hamper some days, and not just piled on top, or thrown in the general vicinity, and left for me to pick up. Not that I mind, that’s my job and I’m happy to do it. Heaven knows, I could have it tons worse.

Believe me, I know I’ve got it made. It’s just that every once in a while…. little things bother me!

P.S. Plus, I’m always on the lookout for something new or different to blog about. Something mundane. Terribly mundane. Boring. So, here ya go. 😀

  1. Amanda Said,

    So he IS of human male descent…I was starting to wonder. He was almost starting to seem like someone out of one of your favorite books…hahaha! Nice to know that he’s got some of those regular ole guy flaws that most husbands have and you have to deal with them too!!!! :mrgreen:

  2. Gail Said,

    I’d say that’s pretty darn good to get them where he got them and not on the floor! And I wouldn’t turn them inside out if I were you! That always bothered me too, but I fought a losing battle on it and finally quit….if I wash Don’s clothes now and they are wrong side out, I leave them wrong side out! And let him turn them before he puts them on, mainly socks. Sometimes I actually turn something wrong side out to wash it that way because the directions call for it to be done like that. And he has actually started washing his own clothes a lot more so I let him deal with it! I decided it wasn’t my job to turn everyone else’s clothes inside out in this family! Too many of them and only one of me.

  3. Elizabeth Said,

    Isn’t it funny the things that bother us, but don’t bother other people. Sometimes it’s hard to understand why certain things bother me and not other people and vice versa.

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