Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace


OK faithful blog readers (and a few of you guys are actual Star Wars fans, I know of 2 or 3 in particular!), I have a dilemma. What to do, what to do.

I was surfing yesterday and saw at Amazon.com that the DVD for Star Wars Episode III comes out on November 1. I am in a quandry over whether to buy this one. See, I’m a huge Star Wars fan and I want all the movies. We owned the original trilogy on VHS, then Tim bought it for me for my birthday last year on DVD. We were still buying VHS tapes when Episode I came out, so I own it on VHS. By the time Episode II was released, we were buying DVD’s, so I own it on DVD. I want to must own this one and obviously my choice is DVD, but I’m in a quandry about whether or not to wait for a box set. I haven’t actually read anything about a box set coming out, but I’d rather have that than the individual DVD’s.

So, weigh in with your choice – should I replace Episode I that I own on VHS with a single DVD and buy Episode III in November, or buy Episode III and not replace Episode I and hold out for a box set.

Such earth-shattering decisions weighing on my mind today. Oh my. :mrgreen:

  1. Suzanne Said,

    So just convert the darn thing from VHS to DVD and you will be done. Easy enough.

  2. Stacy Said,

    Thanks Suzie, but that’s not an option. We’re having trouble with our &*#@ DVD recorder and haven’t been all that happy with the ones that we have dubbed from VHS to DVD. I’m ok on movies that aren’t ones we watch often, or that top my list of “all time favorite movies”. I will buy this one, just trying to decide whether to buy the single one now, or wait for a box set. Thanks anyway! 😀

  3. Gail Said,

    I would try to get an opinion from Trent or maybe Liz, the Star Wars fanatics in my family……but if you think there is not a boxed set coming out, I would replace the one you have now, the single one. Maybe you can poke around online and see if anything comes up about a boxed set.

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