Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Opting-Out of Credit Card Offers

Geesh. I bet we get between 3 and 5 pieces of junk mail a week, for each of us, from places like Capitol One, other credit cards, insurance places, etc. I stand at the shredder after I come in with the mail, and end up shredding half or more of what we get. Today, we got two from Capitol One, about their “No Hassles” reward program. You know, the one with the goofy magnets they want you to place on your refrigerator. 🙄

For a change, I decided to read the fine print and found a 1-888 number to call to try to “opt-out” of some of these offers. They list a toll-free number to call to opt-out of prescreened offers of credit from 4 consumer reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, TransUnion and Innovis. You can call this number (1-888-567-8688), like I did, or you can visit the website, that I heard them mention at the beginning of the recording. So, me being the computer geek I am, I decided to do that. Go to www.optoutprescreen.com

I had to fill out information on both of us, including SSN and telephone number (it showed being a secure site), but I will gladly do that if it will cut down on some of this credit junk we get so frequently. I chose to permanently opt-out, but you can also choose 5 years. They did clarify at the end that our names are already given out to several companies, so it may take a few months to stem the flow of mail. Any relief will be welcome, however.

Hope that helps someone else!

  1. Gail Said,

    You only get 3-5 a week? We get more like 15-20 a week! And it is annoying but I would be afraid to give out my ssn, phone number and other info…….I would worry that I would get even more in the mail or be on another calling list!

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