Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A Happy A Day – August 2

It may sound silly, but one thing I am happy about this morning is that there is a 60% chance of rain today! I’m sure some people are getting a lot of rain and are maybe getting sick of it, but where I live, it’s fairly dry and we could really use some rain. This is the best chance we’ve had in several days, and so I’m hopeful that it might rain later today. Our grass and flowers are very dry, and if it doesn’t rain soon, I will have to drag out the hoses and sprinklers and spend several hours watering. That won’t make me happy, so I am really pulling for the rain!

I may have another happy thought later, you never know! 😀

  1. Dawn Said,

    know what i’m happy about today? AIR CONDITIONING. 7 1/2 hours without it last night sure made me grateful for something i don’t spend much time thinking of normally!

  2. Gail Said,

    so true! you never realize how much you like it until you are without it.

  3. Elizabeth Said,

    I was going to write about it raining today too. But you beat me to it. I love it when it rains. It makes me happy. I love the way it looks outside and the atmosphere it gives. I like the sunshine too, but absolutely love a rainy day!

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