Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Part Deux

Well, a few minutes after Tim brought me the flowers (which of couse, I took a picture of and was back in the computer room, trying to blog about) – he came back inside the house and started calling for me. I thought, gee, did he pick me more flowers or is something wrong?

The answer is ….

Baby Bird

He found a baby bird out by the big tree in the front yard! He apparently scared it and he said it was trying to walk out into the street. He scooped it up and brought it inside for me to see. My first experience with a displaced or injured baby bird (no, I didn’t have much of a childhood!).

He got me to get a shoe box and put it in there and had me go look on the Internet to find out how to care for it. Well, every site I went to said first thing to “return the baby to its nest or the area you found it”, and its parents would take care of it. They all seemed to discourage keeping the baby bird and trying to care for it. I went back outside and told Tim, whom was none too pleased. As he pointed out to me, we have a lot of cats in our neighborhood, and that baby bird might be one of those cat’s supper. And he’s right – I went to put the bird back out by the tree where he found it, and sure enough, across the street, there is a cat peering up over its fence. I am afraid now that my baby bird won’t make it through the night. I sat out front for a while, hoping to see its parents come back, but no sign of any bird, just that darn cat.

Tim thinks it is a baby dove, by the way – what does it look like to you guys?

P.S. Ok – update, Tim is still out weedeating and edging and I keep going back and forth, checking on my baby bird. It hasn’t moved one inch. I’m afraid it’s hurt or its parents aren’t going to find it in time and one of these neighborhood cats is going to get it. 😥

  1. deb Said,

    Need a bird update :!::?::!:

    Have you found out what it is yet?

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