Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Jolly Ranchers

Well, I just wrote a long, boring post about Jolly Ranchers, and went to post it and got an error, and POOF, now my entry is gone. Serves me right, I should save things more often!

OK – Jolly Ranchers are a faint memory from my childhood, that I have recently rediscovered. When I was a kid, I was allowed occasionally (when I got older) to walk by myself one street over to the “Tote-Sum”, which was a local convenience store. I would save my money and then go over and splurge on junk food or something. I don’t remember all that I got, but two small things stick out in my memory banks. I would buy these small, individually wrapped foil footballs, made out of chocolate. They were sort of egg shaped, but they weren’t eggs. When you unwrapped them (and the foil wrapper looked like a football), they had lines in them like the actual laces on a football. Me being me (aka Miss Tightwad), I would bring them home and then ask to use a plastic knife, so I could cut them up and make them smaller. That made the chocolate last longer!


The other thing I distinctly remember buying are Jolly Ranchers. I would buy them individually, from a box under the register. I’m sure they were only a penny or a few pennies each back then. Probably why I bought them- more bang for my buck! I only remember two flavors, although they could have had more back then. I would buy green apple and grape. Just those, nothing else. I loved them. Still do! :mrgreen:

For whatever reason, this bit of nostalgia from my early years resurfaced when I was in Walmart a couple of weeks ago, buying bottled water and snacks for our vacation. So, I threw a big bag of Jolly Ranchers into the buggy. I took some to DC, and I’ve been having them as a little splurge in the afternoons or evening since then. See — every day about 3:30 or 4:00 I get hungry and really want a snack. Since we got back from vacation (and those extra 3 pounds I picked up came home with me), I’ve only been allowing myself bottled water and 1 or 2 Jolly Ranchers in the afternoons. Or in the evenings, if I don’t have one earlier. I just had one tonight, watermelon, which made me remember all this and blog about it. Just another small tidbit from my childhood, there are so few, I want to write them down before they are all obliterated from my memory. Most everything else, I’ve either forgotten or wiped clean. 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    my kids loved jolly ranchers too growing up……i don’t seem to remember them and for some reason, have never been a favorite of mine. maybe i will try them again sometime to see if i like them……maybe because they weren’t chocolate is why i thought i have never liked them!

  2. Amanda Said,

    I loved jolly ranchers as a kid. That was one of the things that I can remember getting at the store. I loved strawberry and fire!!!

  3. Suzanne Said,

    I have Jolly Ranchers in the big candy bar on my desk so people can eat them….i love sour apple and watermelon but nothing grape.
    i have to say they aren’t going as fast as the Easter Chocolate did !!!

  4. Gail Said,

    well, yeah, duh! chocolate, jolly rancer, chocolate, jolly rancher! that’s a no brainer in my opinion…………CHOCOLATE!

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