Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I’ve been playing around with iTunes and my iPod a little more this morning. I told myself yesterday that I was going to work on editing and uploading pictures today from our recent vacation. I seem to be procrastinating on that one, a common theme for me! Maybe I’ll work on pictures this afternoon….

Anyway, since I’m procrastinating, I’m playing with iTunes. I got the latest version, 4.9 which supports podcasts. I’ve been surfing around and looking at the podcast offerings on iTunes and I have to say that so far I’ve been pretty unimpressed. Maybe I’m not nerdy enough, maybe I don’t have enough specialized interests that are covered by podcasts, and I know that I don’t have a temperament for listening to people in their garages commenting on nothing. Still, I thought I would find something I would be interested in and could download to listen on my iPod. I guess I”ll keep looking and maybe find something. I am interested in some of the audio books, but gosh, these things are expensive! A lot of them cost as much as buying the book, which I won’t do. That’s why I have a library card and why I use it!

  1. Amanda Said,

    I’m sure that you are probably not interested in this, but Dave Ramsey podcasts 1 hour of his show daily. I’ve considered downloading it to listen to on my palm.

  2. Stacy Said,

    Thanks Amanda – I’m listening to one of his right now. I found it on iTunes and also at his website. Problem is, that he doesn’t really interest me! You know me, and my odd realm of interests! 🙂

    On the bright side, I found a Battlestar Galactica podcast, granted from last season, but the new season starts this Friday, so I’m hoping for new podcasts. 😆 Now that’s a nerdie thing I could get into! hahaha, probably not, but I might give it a go too 🙂

  3. Kurt Said,

    I like ESPN podcasts, but I could understand if that doesn’t interest you. As to audio-books, I get those from my library as well. I rip them immediately using iTunes and put them on my iPod. Return the book. Listen to one book while I’m ripping another. Also, don’t forget about ‘I.L.L.’ which is Inter-Library Loan. If they don’t have an audiobook you’re looking for, ask them at the desk to get it from another library. The service is usually free. They’ll call you when it comes in.

  4. Stacy Said,

    Thanks Kurt, I will definitely check on audio books at my library next trip. Thanks a bunch!

  5. Gail Said,

    i love to get audio books from the library to “read”! i get them almost every time we make a trip, have read some really good ones that way!
    guess we can’t tell don a/b this i pod book thing, for some reason he already thought he wanted an i pod but now he might really want one! but he is so not techy, he would not be able to use it!

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