Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Tim’s free movie ticket he won through Blingo came in this weekend. That makes two free tickets we’ve won to go see a movie at the theatre. Not bad for searching online, something we do all the time anyway.

Shanna pointed out to me this morning that she read in the fine print at Blingo that only the first 10 searches of the day count towards the prizes. And I just went and checked, and she’s absolutely right. That might help explain why both Tim and I won in the mornings! Still, we’ve gotten two free movie tickets for nothing, so I will continue to use them, and encourage all you guys to sign up and try. I have a button on the side of my blog that you can use to register to sign up. It works, we’ve won, we’ve received the prize in a timely manner, and we’ve redeemed the movie tickets at our local theatre, so we know it’s all legit. “On the up and up” as my mom might have said! 🙂


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