Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

More on Food…

Well, since we no longer have my sweet baby Beau, I find that lately about the only thing I have to take photos of, is food. If you look through my phone’s camera roll or my Instagram, it’s mostly food related photos these days. So very boring 🙂

Believe it or not, I tried two new recipes yesterday, but didn’t take a single photo of either one! I also made another recipe that I’d tried once before, and failed to take a photo of it. I’ll have to make them again, because I like to include photos when I post recipes that I make over at our website (recipes on Hambones here).

Yesterday at lunch, I decided to make a smoothie (very out of the ordinary for me!) I got industrious last week and froze some fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries and chunks of banana). I also bought two bags of frozen fruit at Kroger. So, yesterday I did a quick one with blueberries, mango, greek yogurt and almond milk. My almond milk is unsweetened, so I had to add some agave. I halved the recipe, thinking Tim wouldn’t want any, but then he wanted to try it. Note to self, next time, make the whole thing! Need to experiment with more flavors and combinations. Anyone got a favorite they make?

Yesterday afternoon, I was watching one of my favorite shows, The Chew. They had on guest host Curtis Stone, who made a nectarine chutney (but his used mustard seed, which I don’t have on hand). So, since I had some overripe nectarines, I got online and found a similar recipe. I’ve never tried to make a chutney before, but it was easy, and quite good! 🙂 Tim grilled himself some pork chops on his new grill, and I made this fruit chutney to go along with the pork. I didn’t eat any meat, tried to be good and ate a spinach salad, some of the chutney and some of this couscous. I also *might* have had a bite of his mashed potatoes, but no meat!

So, I’m not really back into much of a cooking groove, but I am trying to try a few new things here and there. I keep pinning things to Pinterest and never trying them, so it’s good to finally move a couple of pins to the Success or Fail board 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    It was ALL very good!

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