Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

TONS of new Photos

I’m working this afternoon on uploading all the great new photos I have from everyone. I have most of them there, and hopefully, all of the problems are fixed for the time being with the photo system we use on Hambones. I still haven’t reloaded some older photos from 2004, but I’ve been transferring new ones all afternoon.

Remember – you have to be a registered member of Hambones to see the photos. 🙂 Sorry, but we like to keep those reserved for those people we know.

Let’s see, here’s what’s new today: We have a new album off the main gallery for Nathan, Tommy and Wendy’s new baby who was born the end of May. We also have two new albums in the Photos 2005 section – one for a recent trip by Mark, Amanda, Ethan and Abby to the zoo (lots of cute pics of the kids and some great shots of some of the animals), and the second album is one for Ava Clair’s first birthday party. I have also loaded some misc new pictures of all the kids in their own albums. Shanna sent me a couple this morning of Ava Clair in the new dress her Dede (Gail) made for her and those are in Gray and Ava Clair’s personal album. Amanda has sent me a ton of great shots lately of Ethan and Abby, including some really good ones of Abby when she turned 3 months. Those are now loaded in their album, Ethan and Abby. Go check them out!

And be sure to let us know if you have any trouble accessing the photos. I’m not sure why we had these problems, and hopefully the webmaster (Tim) has fixed them all. But, we don’t always see the same things here that others see, so be sure and let us know if you have any trouble. :mrgreen:

  1. Gail Said,

    Well, if the kids call me that, it will be Gee Gee, with e’s, however many e’s I don’t know! But so far Grayson is not calling me that!
    sounds like GG but don’t want to spell it that way and with i’s reminds me of saying it another way, like with a hard g i think and don’t want to do that!

  2. Stacy Said,

    OOps, that was supposed to say Dede and not Gigi. I have Gigi stuck in the brain for whatever reason. Shanna helped me sort that out on the photos, I corrected it there but forgot to correct it here. Will go do that now. Dede, I mean Gail! 🙂

  3. Gail Said,

    i will still do gee gee if they will say it, but i don’t think they will…………should it be dee dee?
    someone else i know spells it dede.

  4. Gail Said,

    nathan is cute!

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