Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Be Careful What You Wish For

I have decided that I don’t like my 40’s. Granted, I’m just a few months into them, but they are not going to be that great, at least in the weight department. I don’t seem to be able to lose a pound to save my life.

When I was growing up, I was rail thin. I could eat whatever I wanted, in whatever quantity I wanted, whatever time of day, and I would never gain a pound. All through my teens, and through most of my 20’s. The 30’s got a little harder. It wasn’t as easy to lose weight, and it got easier and easier to gain it. Now that I’ve turned the corner on my 40’s, I think it’s going to be a lot harder. I have cut back, cut out soft drinks and sweet tea, cut out most sweets, use reduced fat or low-fat products, and still I’m gaining weight left and right. I don’t think it’s my meds. I get my thyroid checked every year, and it’s supposedly in range. If it’s out of whack, I will gain more weight. But, it’s supposed to be in check. Anyway, I guess it’s just age and metabolism. It sucks. It really does. I want to eat a big bag of M&M’s if I want and not gain an ounce. I want to have a huge piece of chocolate cake with chocolate icing and not see it on my thighs two days later. HAH. I wish.

So, in our ongoing effort, I thought that getting a better pair of scales to weigh on might help. Ours were the old kind and not very accurate. I knew this because when I went to the doctor, they weighed me a LOT heavier. But, I forged ahead anyway (like the blooming idiot that I am!), and bought us a new set of scales, one that keeps track of our weight, as well as measuring our BMI.

Be Careful What You Wish For.

I got these scales, and I wish I had never brought them home. Not only do they weigh me about 4-5 pounds more than our previous ones (a sudden and immediate blow to my ego), it rated my BMI much higher than I thought it would be. Therefore, it proves that I’m a lot heavier and in worse shape than I should be. Which I had a sneaking suspicion of all along, but now I have proof, glaring back at me every time I go near the darn thing.

It saves my previous weights, and mine are going up, up, up, .5 or 1.0 pounds at a time. Geesh. Can’t we just roll the clock back and let me have my thighs that didn’t touch and flat stomach from my 20’s? Please. Someone invent a magic pill for this, please.

P.S. For all of you wiseguys out there, I know what the real problem is, it’s my portion control and my lack of more exercise. We walk, but we don’t jog, and I stretch but I don’t do aerobic stretching and exercises. I know I should. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I know I should eat less, and leave more on my plate, but I just can’t bring myself to do that either. Please don’t lecture me. Please. And if you do, the mean nasty fat fairy might come visit you. :mrgreen:

  1. deb Said,

    Stacy, I feel exactly the same way about my weight. I’ve started my Weight Watchers program over every morning for the last 3 weeks and cannot for the life of me stick to it for even 12 hours. I suck. I bought a scale like yours only mine is a Tanita brand. It’s frightening. I avert my eyes when I walk through the bathroom these days for fear of hearing it speaking in tongues one of these days ;~)

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