Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

A day late… but still going to do it! 😀

The following all begin with ‘In your lifetime, have you….’

1. …ridden on a rollercoaster? Unfortunately, yes. Not willingly.
2. …performed (in any area of the arts) onstage? Nope
3. …planted a garden? Flowers, not a vegetable garden
4. …ever had to reformat your hard drive due to a virus/spyware? Nope
5. …written a book? A poem? A song? Nope
6. …sang karaoke? Not in front of anyone. I did lots of singing into an air microphone as a pre-teen though 😀
7. …been interviewed by a local tv station/newspaper? We were interviewed by the Hattiesburg American after Tim’s graduation, and had a one-line quote put on the front page the next day. We have that framed, in the study! 🙂
8. …witnessed a tornado/earthquake/hurricane first-hand? No, thank goodness
9. …participated in a photo scavenger hunt? No, have done other scavenger hunts, but never one with just photos
10. …traveled to another country? Not yet, but I will. It’s my lifelong dream to go to England, Scotland and Wales. France too, but not before the others.

  1. Gail Said,

    1. …ridden on a rollercoaster?

    2. …performed (in any area of the arts) onstage?
    i guess not since you put the arts on here…..high school drill team probably doesn’t count, but we did do shows on the stage in the auditorium sometimes!

    3. …planted a garden?
    yes, flowers and vegetables

    4. …ever had to reformat your hard drive due to a virus/spyware?

    5. …written a book? A poem? A song?
    poems, but only usually for an event like a special birthday or anniversary, that sort of thing.

    6. …sang karaoke?
    not in a karaoke joint or in front of anyone!

    7. …been interviewed by a local tv station/newspaper?
    not that i can recall, don has though.

    8. …witnessed a tornado/earthquake/hurricane first-hand?
    yes, tornadoes here at home….a hurricane went through jackson once after coming through the coast and i’ve never seen winds like that before so i’m sure it was much worse on the coast.

    9. …participated in a photo scavenger hunt?
    yes love scavenger hunts! all kinds and have done video ones too, great fun

    10. …traveled to another country?
    germany and belgium….also mexico, and puerto rico but not sure that one counts

  2. Amanda Said,

    1. …ridden on a rollercoaster? Yes and loved it! Didn’t care much for the last one that I rode. It was a little too rough for me.
    2. …performed (in any area of the arts) onstage? In 4th grade I played The wicked Step-mother in Snow White. I always thought it would be fun to do that, but our high school didn’t offer Drama. Was in Chorus for a couple years in junior high and high school.
    3. …planted a garden? Have had flowers in the past non this year, yet. We had a vegetable garden most of the time growing up. They rarely did very well.
    4. …ever had to reformat your hard drive due to a virus/spyware? Mark has.
    5. …written a book? A poem? A song? Several poems…when I was young and inspired.
    6. …sang karaoke? Once, with a friend of mine that I used to work with. We sang a song by the Judds. (Tell me ’bout the good old days) I always thought it would be fun, it was.
    7. …been interviewed by a local tv station/newspaper? No
    8. …witnessed a tornado/earthquake/hurricane first-hand? The hurricane that came through Hattiesburg a few years ago. We got released from work. There was a lot of rain and a little damage (we lost power for a little while), but it wasn’t that bad. Can’t remember which one it was.
    9. …participated in a photo scavenger hunt? No, but love scavenger hunts. My mom used to do them a lot for us when we were kids and lived in an apartment in Richland. There were lots of kids there. We also did a video scavenger hunt with the youth once.
    10. …traveled to another country? No but might like to one day. There’s a lot in the US that I’d like to see first.

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