Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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I’m constantly amazed by what I see when I stand on the inside of my house, looking out one of the various windows to the outside world.

First, it was a snake slithering up my front walk, to perch on my front doorstep and sun itself (a couple of years ago, thank goodness, haven’t seen one do that since). Then it was all sorts of cats, once we lost my beloved Sally girl. Then, when I remembered to fill my bird feeders with birdseed, it became rather enjoyable to watch birds coming and going.

We progressed to the squirrel, the one who loves to come scampering along my deck rail, and perch himself under the bird feeder to eat any leftovers or whatever else he can find. Normally, I don’t like squirrels – they’re like big rats with furry tails. But this one was sorta cute, and he’s very regular. He comes every day or two.

Then, last week it turned ugly.

There were these rats. One of which I know is now dead because I can see part of his dead body under the edge of the deck.

Yesterday and today, it’s a slimy, ugly gecko that has decided to take up residence in my kitchen window sill. I was standing at my kitchen sink yesterday at lunch, washing dishes, admiring the flowers in my window planter, when I saw something move.

Upon closer inspection, I saw him turn around and look at me in the window:

Gecko peering in the window

I tried to run him off. I banged on the window and he wouldn’t move. Fine, I will leave him alone, he’s not a snake. I check later on that afternoon and he’s wedged between my window planter and the window. I check when we get back from dinner last night – still there.

I saw him when I was washing up my breakfast dishes this morning. He’s still here! Sigh. Apparently, he’s decided to live here:

Squished behind the window planter

Apparently, he likes quiet, out of the light, extremely tight places.

  1. Suzanne Said,

    those things are so gross…….I had one inside the townhouse in Madison one time.

  2. Gail Said,

    What’s up with all the critters! Maybe I’m glad sometimes for the Delta, killer mosquitoes and all!

  3. Stacy Said,

    Yuck. Ick. I agree. I don’t know what’s up with all the critters. Maybe I should stop looking out the windows, or going outside for that matter. Imagine what it would be like if I lived (GASP) in the country! Perish the thought. 😀

    Thankfully, I looked late this afternoon and the gecko was not in my window sill. I hope he has gone off and found a new home, never to return. Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to get that lucky though!

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