Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Couldn’t think of a snazzy title… I tend to use misc, random and odd and things like that a little too much 🙂 “Stuff” will have to do, since it is just a bunch of silly stuff!

* Things are busy here, yet not in some ways. Tim is working most every weekend, in the middle of the night, which really messes up his sleep patterns. He was up all last weekend, and I got up at 4 AM to put a roast in the crockpot. I discovered that a) 4 AM is not a natural time for me to be awake and b) once I’m up, cooking in the kitchen with all the lights on, it is very difficult to fall back asleep!

* I’m so glad football season is back, as well as fantasy football. Once again, I tried to draft my own players and ended up botching up my team. Oh well, at least it’s all for fun. It will NOT be fun around my house this weekend, as Tim and I go up against each other in our fantasy football league this time 🙂 On a happier note, both of our teams are doing well. Our college alma mater (USM) and Tim’s beloved Saints. Oh, the hope for our Saints springs eternal every fall!

* Beau has been very worked up lately. We’ve had a lot of grey days and rain and “looks like rain”, so he has not been outside as much. He has a lot of pent-up energy and some days he is hard to deal with. Of course, I should be a good doggie parent and walk him regularly, but I tend to open the gate and let him run wild in the area behind our house 😀

* I’ve been cooking a lot, and finally trying some new recipes. I have been motivated because we’ve installed a new recipe system on our website (more on that in a future post, I have one brewing in my drafts). Of the new recipes, most have been hits but there’s been a couple of misses. One was last night, I tried a crockpot orange chicken. I should have known better, and I did, but I wanted to try it anyway 😀 Tim doesn’t do citrus in any way, shape or form. I liked it though, so I’m debating on whether to post it on our site.

* I haven’t been reading as much as normal. I haven’t been watching many movies. It’s hard to pin down just what I have been spending my time doing, LOL! But we are picking back up all of our fall tv shows. So far, we’re back into Heroes, NCIS, the new NCIS: Los Angeles, Survivor, Bones, Fringe, and Mentalist. I think we have a few more to go. I wanted to try Flash Forward, but we already have two shows recording in that time slot, hehehe!

* I had a bunch of credit built up at Amazon, including some gift cards I have won at Swagbucks (check it out, and use me as a referral if you’re interested!). I ordered a bunch of books and I’m eagerly awaiting their arrival. Of course, I just went to the library, so I have a stack of books to read, but still. I love to get a box full of books on my doorstep in that brown Amazon box! I’ll post a picture when they get here (I always use free shipping, so it takes a lot longer!)

Ok, I’m sure there’s more… I have an update to my recycling post that I made a couple of weeks ago. And then there’s the wildly interesting post I have in my drafts folder about cleaning out and reorganizing my pantry, riveting stuff, I tell ya! Anyway, I’m still trying to blog, but I think a lot of people have given up blogging, as well as reading blogs. I still do Facebook and Twitter though, so maybe that is where I’m spending most of my time!

Have a wonderful, blessed day!

  1. mamichelle Said,

    I was going to sign up for swagbucks but it didn’t give a place for a referral. Maybe I’ll try later.

  2. dianne Said,

    you simply cannot give up blogging my friend! this is the stuff life is made up of . . . the mere and the mundane (used that word in a poem on my other site today and of course thought of you!) and “Oh, the hope for our Saints springs eternal every fall!” just makes me laugh for some reason. not at the saints of course but “springs eternal every fall!” hey don’t give up, look how long it took the “Stillers” to get one for the thumb!

  3. Karen Said,

    I agree, you can’t give up blogging! I’ve noticed a drop in posting the past few months, but I’m chalking it up to the summer. Today, I couldn’t believe how many new posts were on my Bloglines listings. Hang in there with us. Oh, pretty please!

  4. Desert Songbird Said,

    The entire family was thrilled to watch the season premiere of NCIS. Can’t wait for next week! Looks like Ziva and Tony are going to “have it out.”

  5. marianne Said,

    You are simply not allowed to give up blogging!! 😉 I agree with Karen, it’s the summer. I’ve had a bit of blog block myself, but am slowly getting back into it. I don’t do Facebook or Twitter so you’ll just have to accomodate us non-techies! lol

  6. JEN Said,

    Blogging has dropped. I’am one of them..I’m trying to pick back up just really busy with life I guess. With the winter months coming maybe I will be home more….

    I loved Survivor the other night…..its going to be a goodie this time around.

  7. Debi Said,

    I think I know what you mean…I swear I’m busy like every second of the day, but ask me how I spend my time and my answer is, “Uhhh. I don’t know.” Because as busy as I am, I don’t ever seem to have anything to show for it. 😉

    I need to get back into cooking more. I’ve been in a bit of a rut…same old meals week after week. Though I did try this incredible recipe for a chocolate peanut butter cake not long ago…mmmm…just the thought of it has me drooling again. 😀

    Glad to hear someone’s football season is off to a good start. Mine sure isn’t…not college-wise or the NFL. I’m trying very hard not to be pouty about it, but well…

    Can’t wait to see your book haul!!!

  8. Dawn Said,

    I love Twitter & Facebook, but I really like that my blog becomes a reference tool for me. Something I can refer back to. I think that fewer people may be blogging–or perhaps they read but don’t bother to comment?–but the blog community I *do* have, I love. =)

    I just watched The Good Wife online last night. I think that I will add that to my rotation. I didn’t have anything on Tuesday anyway, now that Fringe is killing me by moving to Thursday when I already had two 9pm shows! I think I will have to live with watching CSI online…

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