Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

iPhone Apps

I know not everyone has an iPhone, but I do, and I LOVE mine! Tim and I got ours over a year ago, for each of our birthdays, so we’ve had them about a year and a half now. 🙂

I download free apps all the time, but only a very few pay ones. I go through phases of my favorite apps on the iPhone, but here’s what I am really liking lately:

Grocery IQ – my new grocery shopping app. I downloaded Splash Shopper when I first got my iPhone, because I had used it for several years on my Palm Pilot. And I really liked it on the Palm. On the iPhone, I don’t like it so much. It’s slow, its cumbersome, and you can really tell that it wasn’t designed from the ground up to use the iPhones many features, as Grocery IQ is. Grocery IQ is now one of my most used apps, and at 99 cents, was a steal 🙂

Bejeweled for the iPhone – I have loved this game for years! I played it on my desktop for years, then when I joined Facebook, I found it on there and played. I must say though, that the iPhone version for me is the most fun! It has 3 modes, and I like being able to play in timed or untimed mode, as well as being able to save my game and come back to it later. Plus, they have it connected to Facebook now, the Blitz version, so I can play there and have it post my score at Facebook (of course, it seems harder to score big on the phone version!) It was a little pricey, 2.99 when I bought it, but hey, I had credit in the iTunes store so it was a great buy for me!

One of the first apps I downloaded is still my most used – the Facebook app and the iTV app. Both have recently had big upgrades, and they are much improved. I really enjoy both, and love what they allow me to do from my phone. The iTV app not only shows me tv listings, movie listings, let us watch clips and even full length shows (although I haven’t done that), but most important to me – it lets me handle my Netflix queue from within iTV. I had another Netflix app, to manage my queue, but I don’t need it since iTV lets me do that, and more. The Facebook app is really nice, and much improved. I like that you can take photos from your phone and easily upload them.

There’s more, but those are a few of my favorites. I like the Weather Channel app too, especially to see the radar for my area. I twitter from my phone alot, and I personally like Tweetdeck, although I have 2 other free apps loaded on my phone. I go through phases with games, but have recently liked both Toobz (like the old game Pipe I used to play on my desktop computer) and Boxed In. I like playing Scramble on my phone too, because it interfaces with my Scramble on Facebook. However, my scores are really low from the phone.. for some reason, it’s harder to type in words quickly with your fingertip as opposed to using a keyboard on the computer, hahaha!
My walking buddy and I are attempting to transition to jogging. She wants to do the C25K program, which takes you from the couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks (or in our case, probably a lot longer, LOL!) She has an iPhone too, so we both downloaded the C25K app, which tells us when to walk, when to jog, warm up, cool down, etc. I like using the app (2.99) versus the free podcasts, because the app lets you play your own music on your phone, rather than using the canned music that comes with the podcast. I have a walking playlist, of music that I like, so that makes it a lot nicer.

OK, I will end with a picture that proves that we are not the only ones who are addicted to our iPhones! Chris and Liz come over to hang out sometimes, and Chris has an iPhone. Usually one of them is playing on his, and sometimes, one of them will borrow one of ours, and it looks like this in the living room:

If you have a smartphone, whether its an iPhone, Blackberry or other, what apps or programs do you use the most? Some for fun, some for productivity? Leave me a comment and let me know! Oh, and …Have a great day!

P.S. I’ve had this post in my drafts for a while, but had never gotten around to posting it! With Apple’s announcement yesterday about the new iPad, it made me think about it. I think I want one of the new iPads, but we’ll have to give it some thought and see how it does. And try to justify the cost.
How about you, are you interested in getting an iPad?

  1. Sadie Said,

    I also use Facebook and Bejeweled. I have Couch to 5K, too, I haven’t been using it though. 🙁 I like the DirecTV app b/c I can program my DVR from anywhere. I use Shazam for when I hear a song and wonder who sings it or what the name of it is… And I like eBay and Amazon’s apps for shopping.

    Those are the ones I use the most…

  2. mamichelle Said,

    I don’t have an iPhone but I’d go nuts with Bejeweled and FB on it!

    No, I don’t plan on buying the iPad. I hate the name, BTW!!

  3. Lynne Said,

    I don’t have an iPhone. My little phone only makes and receives calls. Maybe text messages too, but I don’t do that. No camera. Nothing.

    Sometimes I think I want a fancy phone, but I probably wouldn’t do anything with it. Just make and receive calls.

    So I’ll stick to what I have, although I am eligible for a new phone next week. Hmm??

  4. Dawn Said,

    I don’t have an iPhone. (I have a little flip-open phone & that’s all I am willing to get since I don’t want to spend extra on a more delicate phone, the way I drop my phone all the time. Plus I am a Verizon girl.) I do have an iPod Touch though. I have a few apps on it but not many. Just a free Solitaire app, the Lose It app, and I paid for the ToodleDo app because I have a subscription to the actual site & I wanted it to sync with my iPod to make my to-do list more portable.

  5. Tracie Said,

    My phone isn’t smart at all.

    But I am a Bejewled Blitz addict on facebook. If I had a phone that had BB on it….I would never get anything done! 🙂

  6. Lauren@Baseballsandbows Said,

    My running buddy has an iPhone, so she uses it for the C25K. I am in the technological dark ages (we’re too cheap to pay for the monthly service, although my husband does have a work blackberry), so I have to use the timer on the treadmill.

  7. Desert Songbird Said,

    Hey, Stacy, I sent you a FB invite; look for it. We can be neighbors on Cafe’ World, too!

    I have only a few apps on my BlackBerry, but I have quite a few apps on my iPod touch. Many of them are games to help my son pass the time when we’re waiting somewhere and he’s forgotten his Nintendo DS at home. He loves Pocket God!

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