Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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I posted a couple of days ago about the plants, planters and bird feeder we picked up at Lowe’s last Friday night. I took a few pictures on Saturday, and they are posted on the next page. Just click the -More- button to have a peek, if you are interested! :mrgreen:

This is the planter that hangs on hooks on the deck railing. Tim picked this one out! I planted some portuluca in it, it should start filling out soon, they grow pretty fast:

Deck Planter

And the matching hanging basket (planted with mixed impatiens):

Matching Hanging Basket

Here’s the urn planter that we have out front with a yellow lantana in it:

Urn Planter

And the beautiful hanging basket that was already planted, it looked so good, I couldn’t resist!! 🙂

Pre-Planted Basket

And my new bird feeder (which the birds either don’t fit on, or they don’t like, because they sure ain’t visiting this new one!) :mrgreen:

Bird Feeder

We’ve had a pair of mallard ducks visit twice in the last 3 days. I took pictures of them on Friday and fed them some bread. On Sunday evening, after we got back from running errands, we had another pair in the street, and we quickly enticed them into our front yard with the waving of a piece of bread. Here’s me feeding them! 🙂

Stacy Feeding the Ducks

Oh, and one last one from last week… we had a pair of doves on the deck railing, and I was able to get this picture from inside the breakfast room (through the window, that’s why it’s a bit fuzzy) of them before I startled them and they flew away 🙂


  1. Gail Said,

    Love the urn planter in front with the lantana! I bet it will fill in great….that stuff can really take off sometimes.
    And, hmmmm, maybe you could be right about the bird feeder? Don’t know for sure…..did it say on package somewhere if it was for a certain kind of bird? Like some feeders are for finches, and they are smaller and that kind of feeder is a little different. So was wondering if this one had something about maybe what kind it was.

  2. Stacy Said,

    Several other feeders at Lowe’s did say for Finches, and I didn’t want to get one of those and “limit” myself to certain kinds of birds. This one specifically had pictures of all kinds of birds on the front, including cardinals. Oh well, I guess my birds around here are too big to fit on it, from all of the seed they’ve been eating all winter at the old feeder! 🙂 Hopefully they just haven’t figured out how to perch yet. I am getting more little birds, sparrows I call them, but some of them may be finches. I’m by no means any kind of expert on birds, I have no idea what most of them are! 🙂

  3. Gail Said,

    You need to remind me to bring my bird chart with me sometime for you to look at! Of course, if it takes me as long to find it as it did that other recipe…….oh well.

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