Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Candle in the Dark

It started raining here about an hour ago, and it was getting dark before that. Something inside me said, go light one of your beloved Yankee Candles. So, I went and lit two πŸ˜€ Anyway, it made me realize that I really just burn candles mainly in the winter, when it’s darker and colder and greyer. I don’t burn them much in the summer, when it’s 95ΒΊ and bright sunshine. Something about it getting dark and cloudy makes me want to burn them! Is everyone else like that too?

I do LOVE my Yankee candles. They are a recent obsession for me, I finally broke down last year and splurged on one and was instantly hooked. They smell so good, and they burn really well. The big jar candles burn for hours and hours. And, being the little frugal thing that I am, I love being able to get them at Bed, Bath and Beyond with a coupon! :mrgreen:

So far, I’ve tried Pumpkie Pie, Cranberry Chutney, Mistletoe and Clean Cotton. The first three are seasonal ones for me, although I’ve got a little bit left in each one! I love Clean Cotton in my bedroom and bathroom, it smells so clean. Tim thinks it smells like a dryer sheet though (like a Bounce sheet)!! If anyone has a scent to recommend, let me know. I’m always willing to branch out and try new ones! πŸ˜›


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