Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD: Weigh In

I’ve got another Question of the Day for you. Would you put on your blog, or somewhere else online, what your weight is? I read a lot of blogs, and have read several where women have been going on a diet, or trying to work out more, or trying to lose weight, and they post their current weight out there for the whole world to see. I don’t like to think I’m vain or weird or whatever, but I really don’t want the whole world to know what I weigh. So I won’t be posting my weight or sharing it with anyone.

How about you? Have you posted that type of personal info before, or would you, on your blog? Or are you like me and would rather keep that tidbit to yourself? Leave me a comment and let me know. I don’t want to know how much you weigh, just whether you are comfortable posting that info on the Internet. 🙂

Have a great day!

  1. mamichelle Said,

    I’m not telling!!!

    Seriously, the only three people in the entire universe who know my weight are 1) my hubby 2) my bff 3) my doctor.

    Maybe if I weighed 100 lbs. I’d be more willing…

  2. Lisa Said,

    I’m considering it. I think it would be motivating to have it out there.

  3. annie Said,

    Nope. I’m 6’1″ so I don’t weigh 95 pounds like short girls. 🙂

  4. Gail Said,

    Ummm, NO!

    And tell Annie I’m short but I don’t weigh 95!

  5. marianne Said,

    oh no, that’s just not going to happen! maybe if I weighed in the 130s, or even the 140s like I used to. But now? oh no, NOT! 😉

  6. Jill Said,

    I’m not sure I would post it on my blog but perhaps I would if the context really called for it. I do have to say I get asked a lot in person how much I weigh or what size I wear because I’m tall and (relatively) thin and I guess people are curious??? I would never think of asking someone how much they weigh, so I’m always a little taken aback.

  7. Jill Said,

    What I meant to convey in my comment above was being tall makes me appear to weigh less than I do since there’s so much area over which the weight can spread. :o)

  8. cam Said,

    I’ve done it before!

  9. Kara Said,

    Not gonna happen!

  10. Sandra Said,

    I would, I have nothing to hide and really don’t have a problem stating my weight.

    I’m 5’4 and 138 lbs. LOL I’ve talked about my weight on my blog before and always stated what I weigh.

  11. Kimmy Said,

    Uh, that’s easy. NO WAY!

  12. Meredith Said,

    I suppose if I weighed about 100lbs I wouldn’t mind sharing it, but I’m not fond of the idea of sharing something so personal with people I don’t really know well.

  13. JEN Said,

    I wouldnt put it on line for the world to see….no.

  14. heather Said,

    i have a whole blog around my attempt at weight loss…feel free to check it out!

  15. Belle (from Life of a...) Said,

    If it was relevant to my post, I suppose I would tell but I REALLY doubt if I’ll ever make it relevant! LOL

  16. Heidi Said,

    NO NO NO! Although I would say that I want to lose 15-20 pounds. And thereby I join the group of probably 50% of women!

  17. Desert Songbird Said,

    No way! That’s TMI.

  18. Brit' Gal Sarah Said,


    HELL NO!!!

  19. Becca Said,

    I have to say, no. I am ashamed of it. Maybe in 2009 when I start getting it under control.

    How is that for honest?

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