Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

New Haunts


I’ve got a few new places I’ve been hanging out online lately. I’m still debating on one more new one (thanks, Cam!), but so far, I’ve got two new places/things that I’m really enjoying.

The first one – do you Twitter? If so, leave me a comment or look me up at Twitter – I’m “exmundane”. 😀

I’ve been twittering for a few weeks now and so far I’m really enjoying it. I don’t know why I started it. I really don’t need anything else on the computer that sucks away my time. But so far, I’m having a lot of fun with it. Let me know if you Twitter too! I’ve already hooked up with several of my blog buddies (you know who you are!), but I’d love to follow some more.

I also joined GoodReads, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth. I had signed up for LibraryThing last year and gotten all of the books that I own catalogued there. I really didn’t see the need for GoodReads, but, boy, was I wrong! Thanks to Dawn for getting me signed up over there. I’m also “exmundane” there. I went back and listed the books I have read so far this year, as well as a few of the ones I want to read. I like being able to keep up with ratings and reviews of books I complete, as well as books I see mentioned on blogs that I might want to check out of the library. I often see books mentioned at other blogs and think that I might want to read them, but I don’t have a great system for keeping up with them. Before, I’ve been trying to add them to my PDA, but that doesn’t always work. I’m going to try to use GoodReads for that. I’ve debated the pros and cons of going back over the last two years and listing the books that I’ve read. I do keep them here at my blog, in my sidebar, but without a rating or idea of when I read them. I haven’t done that yet, so I might not double back. I might just use it from this point forward.

If you use GoodReads, be sure to let me know so we can hook up 🙂 I recommend both of these, if you want to find yet more things to occupy your time online, LOL!

Have a great day!

  1. mamichelle Said,

    Hmmmm….I’ve never twittered. I’ll have to check it out!

    You know I’m on Good Reads. I’ve been getting your updates! 😉

  2. Karen Said,

    Both of these sound really interesting. But I can’t even look. NOpe, I’m not even gonna look. I can’t start one more new thing. . . maybe another time:) Have fun with it!

  3. Maria Said,

    OK, may I be honest? I am afraid to check out twitter! I don’t want to spend more time online. I’m really trying to cut down so I can read, knit, and scrap more (in addition to family time, of course).

    But I love seeing you on goodreads.com!

  4. Jill Said,

    I Twitter – JillianInc – but have only used it twice. So far I’m not that into it – no time really during the day. I’ll keep my registration, though…hope to get more into it soon.

  5. Sandra Said,

    I have never twittered and I’m afraid to LOL I may just twitter my life away if I get into something else on the computer!

    As for GoodReads…you know I’m there 🙂

  6. Desert Songbird Said,

    Dang! Everyone seems to be hanging out on twitter lately. I might have to succumb to peer pressure.

  7. Becca Said,

    I am onTwitter and on GoodReads! I am maksbestfriend on twitter and on Goodreads I am the same thing!

  8. annie Said,

    I twitter! 🙂

  9. cam Said,

    haha…come to facebook….

    i don’t twitter…yet. i’ve heard much buzz about it though, and plan to try it soon, when i get a lil more free time. i’ll look for you therre!

  10. YellowRose Said,

    I joined GoodReads! I’m YellowRose….add me! 😉

  11. Dawn Said,

    I do have twitter. I’m still trying to figure it all out but so far I think it’s pretty cool and I have it on my blog also 🙂 Hope you guys have a good 4th of July weekend!

  12. Dawn Said,

    I am so glad you are enjoying both! Yay! I think what I really like about Twitter is it works as a great venue for things that you feel the need to share but just don’t possibly require an entire blog post.

  13. Bookhuddle Said,

    Hi exmundane,

    We’d like to let you know that http://www.bookhuddle.com is a book-focused social networking and book reference site designed to help readers discover, organize, and share book information.

    You wrote that you like being able to keep up with ratings, reviews, books you’ve read, might want to read, etc. Bookhuddle allows you to do that so easily. Give it a try.

    The Bookhuddle Team

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