Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Who Needs a Cat?

Who needs a cat around when you have a dog that will kill the rats he hunts down in your backyard? That would be Beau, my mighty hunter!

We have a big ditch behind our house, behind the fence, and there is a lake in our subdivision, behind the houses that are across the street from us. I’ve always said, we live in the critter/crawl path. The snakes and rats and horrible things slither and crawl from one place to the next. I’ve blogged in the past about the possums and raccoons that we’ve had in our yard. I even mentioned before that Tim had opened up our gas grill one spring evening, only to find that rats had been nesting in the grill over the winter. Ugh. It gives me the heebie-jeebies! We live in the suburbs, for goodness sakes, not the country. We’re not supposed to have this many gross things around.

BUT – I have a mighty hunter now! Beau has been stalking squirrels by day, and rats by night. The squirrels are just too fast for him, and see him coming. He hasn’t gotten one yet, but he has not given up. He is relentless in his watching from the back door – he does it for hours every day. He had not gotten a rat either. Tim had shot one out of the big tree in the backyard with a pellet gun a few weeks ago, but this is the first one that Beau actually stalked down and killed himself. He was so proud of himself, Tim said! It was late one night, a couple of nights ago, and Tim “saved” the rat for me to see. Ugh! I took a picture though, so if you really want to see a big, dead rat, then click on the extended page for a picture.

Beau is the Mighty Hunter!

Dead Rat that Beau Killed

  1. Desert Songbird Said,

    Yay for Beau! Defender of the Keep!

  2. Gail Said,

    Ok, ick, ugh….that IS just gross!
    If you had a cat (and I know where you can get one) it would probably eat the rat and then you wouldn’t have the whole thing left. 🙂

  3. Sarah Said,

    OMG Rats in trees!! Nobody has warned me about that before now. So now I need to look at my feet for snakes and glance up for rats – WONDERFUL!

  4. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    YUCK! I am planning to call an exterminator tomorrow morning because I think mice have moved into our attic. Maybe you could just let me borrow Beau!

  5. mamichelle Said,

    You GO, Beau!! How cute!

  6. Shawna Said,

    That sucker is huge!! I’ve never seen one that big in real life. Our cat occasional catches them. His are much tinier!!

  7. Coach Jenny Said,

    OMGosh!! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! But way to go, Beau!! Hey, will you rent him out? I’ve got a couple of mice I need to catch–in the RV 🙂

  8. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Good for him!! Go Beau!!

  9. Cam Said,

    But good boy, Beau…of course he was proud! Haha!

  10. J Scott Savage Said,

    If he’ll shovel snow too you may need to clone him.

  11. Fresh Girl Said,

    Yay, Beau!!! Our Lab Molly, who died six years ago, caught a mouse once — in the house! My mom found her lying in Mom’s doorway with the mouse between her paws. Molly looked very proud of herself. I bet Beau is, too! 😉

  12. Suzanne Said,

    That is really gross………..nasty. ugh. go beau…….

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