Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Eighty Three
March 14th, 2008

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?
Somewhere along a 5 or 6. 10 or 15 years ago, I would have rated it much higher. I used to have really nice penmanship. On some of my college forms and papers, the professor would ask me if I had typed the answers, but the answer was always no, that is my handwriting! However, with the advent of computers and other technology, I tend to type more and more and write less and less. My handwriting has become sloppier, and more hurried as well. It often frustrates me to write out something long hand, because it seems to take forever. I know I could be doing it so much faster if I were typing it!

Do you prefer baths or showers?
Both about the same, although I’d probably lean towards baths more. I love a good warm bubble bath! But, the way our bathroom is setup, our bath doesn’t have a shower head, so if I need to wash my hair, I have to take a shower. So, I take as many or more showers than baths, out of practicality.

What was the last bad movie you watched?
Hmmm, I can’t recall one off the top of my head. We’ve been getting some movies in from Netflix lately for just Tim, and I don’t even attempt to watch them because I know I wouldn’t enjoy them. I don’t like a lot of violence, bad language and scary stuff. Let’s see, I keep our movies listed here, and some of the ones we haven’t liked lately are: American Gangster, Tim watched and didn’t even finish it; we didn’t like an older movie I rented called “Someone Like You” and I didn’t watch “Disturbia”, “Beowulf” or “300” because I knew I wouldn’t like them. Of those 3, Tim only really liked Disturbia.

Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.
Addicted to, like this computer and the Internet? Or a food addiction, like how much I adore chocolate and how I want some every single day? I don’t have “bad” addictions, but those are bad enough!

Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?
That’s a toss-up between piano and acoustic guitar. I love the sound of both on certain types of music. I can’t play either, so I really appreciate them!

  1. Debi Said,

    I would have answered exactly as you for dessert…I love them both! Wish I could learn to enjoy a bath, but I’m afraid I regard a bath as a form of torture.

  2. mamichelle Said,

    I think typing has made us all lazy with writing!

    Yes, I love guitar and piano too.


  3. Becca Said,

    I love your answers! I love NetFlix, too! We have been watching a lot of movies with them, I don’t do the violent stuff. I just can’t. I am also listening to a lot of audio books through Audible.com, and buying cook books. I just bought two new ones,
    Panini Express: 70 Delicious Recipes Hot Off the Press by Daniel Leader and Lauren Chattman and Bake until Bubbly: The Ultimate Casserole Cookbook by Clifford A. Wright. We are trying to do more cooking at home.

  4. Dallas Meow Said,

    INTERNET! That’s no addiction – why . .. . it’s a necessity, like air, water, sleep – more important than sleep!

  5. Kara Said,

    Mmmmmmm…bubble bath. Wouldn’t it be nice to have time for one of those everyday…

  6. annie Said,

    Great feast Stacy!

  7. Gail Said,

    I take mostly showers just because it seems easier and quicker! And food in general or chocolate seems to be my addiction, at least I don’t have cokes to add to that list!

  8. Maria Said,

    I share both of your addictions–internet and chocolate. Probably coffee is my strongest addiction. I’m on my 3rd cup and it’s only 7 a.m.

  9. Dawn Said,

    I cannot take bubble baths & if you can’t have bubbles, then what’s the point? =/

    Just remember there are far worse addictions in this world than internet & chocolate. 😉

    Piano solos are so relaxing. I love piano. =)

  10. jen Said,

    I haven’t had a hot bath since before Miller was born….not good huh?
    Addictions….the computer too….and coffee.

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