Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Well, I didn’t really have a set menu last week, and it sort of bugs me. I still cook a lot, but with the busy holiday season, we are eating out more, and eating worse. Lots of junk food, sweets, etc. Ugh. My waistline is ready for the new year! 🙂

I’ve got a general idea for the week. The middle days are not set, but I have ideas for each day, if that makes sense! Be sure to check out Laura’s blog over at OrgJunkie for lots more menu ideas and even recipes!

Monday – Grilled Chicken (Tim) / Grilled Salmon (Stacy), rice, peas or butterbeans

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.… not sure which one which day:

Spaghetti & Meatballs, broccoli
Panko Chicken Strips, Mac n Cheese, green beans
Waffles & Turkey Bacon

Friday – probably eat out; Date Night

Saturday – lunch will be PapaJohn’s pizza ordered in, while we watch our alma mater play in the Papa John’s Bowl (USM) on ESPN

Have a great week, everyone!

  1. Linda Said,

    Date nights are always fun. I am getting a gps for Christmas and cannot wait to start geocashing! Have a festive week.

  2. sherry Said,

    Every time you mention that Panko chicken I remember that I mean to try it!

    Have a blessed week and a fun date night!


  3. Sandra Said,

    Great Menu….that Panko chicken sounds great 🙂

    Happy Holidays!

  4. Natalie Said,

    Enjoy your date night and bowl game! 🙂

    My Menu Plan is up too! 🙂

  5. theresa Said,

    love mac & cheese- Is it homemade??
    I too am having trouble with the menu planning with the holiday season- pizza night for us! and then probably frozen dinners- oh no!

  6. Gail Said,

    I should have done a menu but was feeling too disorganized this week! So I should have doubly done it! So still no fish for Tim….and pizza and your bowl game sounds fun!

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